European Association for Public Administration Accreditation

Conference Papers 

V. Working Group on Public Sector Finance and Accounting
All papers are in pdf (Acrobat reader). Some of the papers are not availabe for the moment and will be uploaded immediately when received.

Piotr Bury, Professor at the Institute of Economics, Świętokrzyska Academy, Kielce, Poland
Paper: Tax-Nature Fees in Local Government Budgets in Poland 

Bartlomiej Gurba, Ph.D student, Center for European Integration Studies, University of Bonn
Paper: Vertical Imbalance and Bailout - The Case of Polish Local Governments Borrowing

Bryce Herrington, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA
Paper: Unanticiapted Budgetary Consequences of Devolution: Capacity Enhancing Potentials Within the Current
Russian Constitutional Framework

Mark W.S. Chandler, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania
Paper: Revenue Raising and Accountability of Local Governments in Lithuania 

Lubov Chapurina, UNDP, Astana, Kazakhstan
Paper: “Enhancing Local Government Revenue Raising Capacity: A Way of Reaching More Accountable Local Government” - Case Study of Kazakhstan

Robert Jahoda, Jitka Pekova and Jan Selesovky, Czech Republic
Joint paper: Country Study: Czech Republic - Building Fiscal Capacities

Olga Kolovitskova, Intellectual Services and Technology Consult Group, Kiev, Ukraine and Yuriy Lukovenko, Humanitarian Development Technology Fund, Kiev, Ukraine
Joint paper: Ukraine: Enhancing Local Government Revenue Raising Capacity: A Way of Reaching More Accountable Local Government 

Araksya Margaryan,  Principal Lecturer, Institute of Ecology, Economics and Law, Yerevan, Armenia
Paper: Enhancing the Capacities of Regional and Local Governments to Provide More Authority in Public Finance

Thomas Meekel, UNDP / Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Republic of Serbia
Paper: Local Public Borrowing in Serbia: How May Local Authorities Raise Finances for their Priority Investments?

Adrian Miroiu and Paul-Dragos Aligica, National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania
Joint paper: Public Higher Education Financing: A Comparision of the Historical and Formula-Based Mechanism 

Mihaela Onofrei and Silviu Ursu, Romania
Joint paper: Enhancing Financial Capacity and Democratic Accountability of the Local Government: The Romanian Case

Leonida Pliskevitch, Byelorussian Academy of Science, The Institute of Economy, Minsk, Belarus
Paper: Enhancing Local Government Revenue Raising Capacity in Belarus

Sergii Slukhai, Associate Professor, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Ukraine
Paper: Building-up Fiscally Strong Local Governments – A Challenge for Ukraine

Paweł Swianiewicz, Centre for European Regional and Local Studies, Warsaw University
Paper: Local Taxes In Poland. Base for Local Accountability?

Viktor Trasberg, Institute of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Tartu, Estonia
Paper: Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in the Baltic Municipalities

David Tumanyan, Communities Finance Officers Association, Yerevan, Armenia
Paper: Fiscal Capacity Building in Armenian Local Government System

Karel Vit, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic
Paper: The Possibilities of Budget Deficit Financing

Ildar Zoulkarnaev, The State University of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russian Federation
Paper: Budget Incentives for Local Governments in the Republic of Bashkortostan to Develop Economy and to Improve Providing of Public Goods