Dear Contributors, potential Contributors and Readers,
NISPAcee launched the NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy in 2008. The Journal is predominantly devoted to public administration, public policy and public governance issues in Central and Eastern Europe, but high-level submissions from any other part of the world are also considered, especially if they focus on the issues relevant to the NISPAcee region. The goal is to publish top quality papers based on empirical research (of qualitative, quantitative or mixed character), theoretical articles and literature reviews, developing general public administration, public policy and public governance theory, or their specific dimensions.
We hope to serve all interested parties – academicians, politicians
and public officials - to help develop public administration and public
policy theory and practice in our region. A high quality standard
review process is the principal quality assurance tool of our Journal
and our intention is to become one of the top periodicals in the area.
On behalf of NISPAcee, the Journal Editorial and Advisory
boards, I invite all interested contributors to submit their papers for
consideration or to become a subscriber and member of "our family”.
Juraj Nemec
Editor in Chief