NISPAcee Database of Experts

General information and rules considering application for the expert:
The NISPAcee database of experts is designed to form a group of experts that are interested and available for participation in various projects funded by the European Union or other resources. The database will be created for the internal use of NISPAcee and will not be publicly accessible. The experts that join the database will get an opportunity to be presented in NISPAcee's project applications and thus got involved in awarded project grants.

The criteria for applying for a NISPAcee expert include:
 - The applicant must have at least 3 years of practical work experience;
 - The applicant must hold at least one university degree;
 - The applicant must have work experience from at least 1 country in Europe or Asia in the public
   administration / public policy;
 - The applicant must have the capacity to use English as a working language.  

The applications should be submitted by completing the application form online, where the model curriculum vitae in English offered below must be used. In case the applicant is not registered in the regular NISPAcee database as a person, it is necessary to register  before applying, because login information is required in the process. Some of the CV information overlaps with the application form, therefore it is useful to complete the CV form first. The overlapping information in the application form serves the search function for the future orientation in the NISPAcee database of experts. The CV form will serve as a document for project proposals.

After applying it will be possible for the applicants to modify and update their information until it will be locked by an evaluator. In case of further necessary changes, the applicant may contact the administrator at [email protected]. The NISPAcee evaluation committee will review all applications. The applicants will be then notified about acceptance of their applications and including them into the NISPAcee database of experts. In case the further information will be needed, an applicant will be contacted by the administrator. The accepted experts are requested to inform the administrator about any changes in submitted information continuously at [email protected] . Once a year the administrator will send the request to all registered NISPAcee experts for updating the information. 

Please prepare  CV from template before applying (link to template)!

Application for the status of NISPAcee Expert
(in a few steps)

Terms and conditions:
The applicants by submitting their application for the NISPAcee database of experts declare the truthfulness of the information provided and agree that NISPAcee might at all times request written documents supporting this information. In case of finding out that the information is incorrect NISPAcee reserves the right to delete the information from its database. Accepted NISPAcee experts agree that provided information in the NISPAcee database of experts might be used in the applications of NISPAcee for projects without waiting for an expert agreement. This concerns urgent cases when the application deadline does not allow waiting for an expert’s agreement. In any other way, each expert will be notified if included in any application and will be allowed to withdraw in case he/she is not interested within the project proposal evaluation process. The experts will be informed about successful applications and possible expert participation in the awarded projects.
Design and administration: