NISPAcee Projects
WILCO (Welfare Innovations in the Local Context)

NISPACEE is one of the partners in the project WILCO (Welfare Innovations in the Local Context), funded by the 7th European Framework Programme of the European Union. The project is coordinated by dr. Taco Brandsen (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands) and includes universities from Croatia, Poland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and The UK, as well as the research networks EMES and NISPAcee.

 The project WILCO (2010-2013) examines innovative solutions to urban social problems, such as social exclusion and unemployment. The participating universities investigate how new and promising approaches emerge and how they could be more effectively spread to other cities and countries, notwithstanding legal, cultural and political differences. The project will not only contribute to academic knowledge in this area, but will also actively encourage and support the use of its results in European cities.


NISPACEE’s role in the project is to offer expertise and to provide a platform for the dissemination of the results.


The first workshop on the project was organised during the NISPAcee conference in 2012, Ohrid, Macedonia and the next meeting was held in 2013 in Belgrade, Serbia. Experts are being invited to discuss the design and results of the project, specifically with respect to their applicability to and implications for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.


For more information on the project, please consult the website

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