European Association for Public Administration Accreditation

Conference Papers 

II. Working Group on Public Sector Quality
All papers are in pdf (Acrobat reader). Some of the papers are not availabe for the moment and will be uploaded immediately when received.

Barbara A. Coe, Ph.D., Fulbright Scholar, Yerevan, Armenia
Paper: Measuring Success: A Role for Civil Society in Fostering Good Governance and Sustainable Development

Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, Sorin Ioniţă and Aurelian Muntean, Romania
Joint paper: The Failure of Public Governance in Romania

Kristiina Tőnnisson, Researcher, University of Tartu, Estonia
Paper: Evaluating the Quality of Internal Flows of Information and
Interactions with Citizens of Estonian Local Authorities

Luigi De Bernardis and Maurizio Colacicco, Italy
Joint paper: A New Balanced Scorecard Approach for Quality of Life Measurement in Italian Local Government 

Gloria J. Deckard and Judy Rosenbaum, USA
Joint paper: Improving Citizen Access to Health Care Through Public/Private Collaboration at a Local Level

Jelena Maurina and Miles Gray, Latvia
Joint paper: Governance of Public Agencies in Latvia

Katarzyna Kuć, Ph.D. Student, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland
Paper: Effects of Decentralisation in Poland: Comparing Public Education and Public Healthcare

Konstantyn Kaznacheyev, Ukrainian Academy of PA, Dnipropetrovsk branch, Association of MPAs
Paper: Annual Quality Assessment of Public Servants Professional Performance in Ukraine