European Association for Public Administration Accreditation

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Contacts:  Working Group on Local Services and Infrastructure
WG Programme Coordinators:

Franco Becchis, Turin School of Local Regulation and Saint John International University, Italy,
E-mail: [email protected]

Daniel Klimovsky, Faculty of Scoial and Economic Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
E-mail: [email protected]

Franco Becchis has been the Scientific Director of the Foundation for the Environment since its creation, where he coordinates research programmes on the interaction between economics, energy and the environment and on local public services, as well as capacity building and support activities for local public entities. He is the Scientific Director of the initiative "Turin School of Local Regulation” and is the author and editor of the forthcoming handbook "The political economy of local regulation" published by Palgrave Macmillan. He has been a contract Professor in Environmental Economics at the Polytechnic of Torino, University of East Piedmont and Saint John International University. His scientific interests and his publications range from public economics to environmental and regulatory economics.

Daniel Klimovsky research and educational activities focus on public administration, as well as political issues linked to sub-national levels. He is the Regional Studies Association Ambassador for Slovakia and a member of both the Management Committee and the Steering Committee of the COST IS 1207: Local Public Sector Reforms in Europe led by Professor S. Kuhlmann and Professor Geert Bouckaert. He is the main coordinator of the POL-LOC initiative, which includes more than 20 universities from 15 European countries. Aside from his academic activities‎, he cooperated with the Social Watch (2008-2011) and was a member of the Steering Committee of the Open Society Foundation in Slovakia (2012-2014), as well as an independent/external expert of the Council of Europe. Furthermore he has cooperated with central government in Slovakia and with several local governments and their associations.