European Association for Public Administration Accreditation

2015 Conference of the Transatlantic Policy Consortium (TPC)
"Rethinking Public Governance”
Budapest, June 10-12, 2015
Web: http://tpc.uni-nke.hu; Email: [email protected]
The role and activities of institutions and organizations in public governance has been of great importance throughout history. Extending from high to low politics, public governance has both short and long term effects in the political, security, economic, social and cultural spheres, thereby shaping the environment of our everyday lives.
Examining trends, changes and opportunities in public governance today is particularly important because the vibrant international environment continues to re-emphasize older issues while posing a new set of challenges as well. Managing both types of challenges demands innovative, unprecedented, perhaps even revolutionary approaches from all actors in public governance.
Call for Papers
The conference organizers welcome papers from all scholars (including PhD students) addressing topics that fit with the overall conference theme of "rethinking public governance" and which align with one of following conferences tracks.
Track 1. - Improving global security
- Migration, demographic changes
- Improving public security – policing issues
- Peacekeeping, state building
- Counterterrorism
- Security policy – current issues and challenges (e.g. current crises, climate change, cyber security)
- Public security
- Protection of minorities
- Role of non-governmental actors in improving global security (e.g. partners in keeping peace, contributing to the stabilization of conflict zones)
Track 2. - Improving public governance, state and capacity building
- Role of government in improving competitiveness
- Sustainability policy of modern governance -social and economic
- Quality of life of people, wellbeing of individuals
- Democracy, rule of law, inclusiveness
- Measuring public sector performance and effectiveness (e.g. good governance indicators)
Track 3. - Multidisciplinary studies
- Human rights
- Human resources development
- Sustainability issues
- Key policy issues for good governance
- Education and culture
- Economic development
In addition to the conference tracks, there is a PhD workshop  "How to boost your academic career? Career and publishing advice from mentors" where organizers welcome young researchers and students who are within their doctoral studies. Applicants should indicate at registration whether they intend to participate at one of the above-mentioned tracks or in the PhD session.
Interested PhD students should indicate where they are in the program (1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, pre-dissertation, etc.) on the registration form and attach a representative sample of their writing (it could be the same as their paper submission). Before the workshop, candidates will receive written feedback from faculty member(s), which can then be used to prepare for their discussion sessions. Candidates will also be expected to review the proposals of fellow candidates.
In the morning of June 10, faculty members, representing core research streams of public administration, will provide advice on and insights into publishing in top tier journals. In the afternoon, PhD students, in parallel groups of faculty members and their peers, will present and discuss their research proposals.
Paper submissions (in MS Word) must be submitted in the form of an abstract not exceeding 650 words via the conference website. The following information must be provided when submitting a proposal: Name and affiliation of the person submitting the proposal, short (maximum 1 page) CV and contact details (including email address and phone number), title of the paper and presentation, track the paper is proposed to. Both abstracts and papers are to be written and submitted in English.
Important Dates
 Submission of abstracts: April 30, 2015
 Notification of acceptance: May 11, 2015
 Final paper submission: June 10, 2015
Review Process
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The Committee retains the option of approving more than one abstract per author. Submissions will be judged primarily on the criteria below:
 Originality and innovativeness
 Soundness of the argument
 Relevance to a Transatlantic audience and fit with conference topics
Registration Fee
General conference registration: EUR 150
Registration for presenters of accepted papers: EUR 100
PhD student registration: EUR 50
Please note, that the registration fee does not cover the expenses for travelling and accommodation.
For further information, please visit the conference website of write to us at [email protected]