European Association for Public Administration Accreditation

EVENTS from Other Institutions

19th International Summer School on Regulation of Local Public Services

September 5, 2016 - September 16, 2016

Venue: Torino, Italy

Organizer(s): Turin School of Local Regulation

Language: English

Contact: Fulvia Nada
Project Manager
email: [email protected]

Info link: http://www.turinschool.eu/iss

The School is designed to offer two weeks “full immersion” in user charges regulation of local public services (e.g. waste, water, public transport, district heating, sport facilities) and is mainly addressed to undergraduate students at their last year, graduate students and officials from the Public Administration (municipalities, counties, regional bodies) and regulatory agencies.

The course lasts two weeks and is articulated in three parts:
- theoretical module
- industry analysis
- case studies (with a virtual regulatory final report prepared by attendants)

Participation is free for non-OECD countries and for Countries entering the EU from 2004 onwards.
Selected participants from OECD countries and European Countries that entered the Union before 2004 can benefit from very low fees (150 EUR).

The Turin School will provide selected participants with 2-week free accommodation in the University residence in Torino and all the teaching materials.

On-line payments

mastercardMaestroVISAVISA ElectronDiners club