European Association for Public Administration Accreditation

EVENTS from Other Institutions

EU-Russia Civil Society Forum

July 21, 2016 - July 24, 2016

Venue: Zagreb and Vukovar, Croatia

Organizer(s): EU-Russia Civil Society Forum and "Documenta" Centre for Dealing with the Past and the Memorial Centre of the Homeland War

Language: English

Contact: [email protected].

Info link: http://www.pecob.eu/Europe-Lab-Forum

Forum for Young Professionals "Europe Lab" is a unique communication and exchange platform for change makers from all over Europe working in public administration, business, NGOs, universities, think tanks, and other fields of professional engagement.
Main goals of “Europe Lab” are to enable cross-sector cooperation and promote exchange of ideas, develop partner networks, and encourage common projects of young professionals in Europe in several areas.

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