European Association for Public Administration Accreditation

EVENTS from Other Institutions

Summer School: "The Learning from the past - 20 Years after the Bosnian War: Education for Reconciliation and Lasting Peace in Post-Conflict Societies"

June 27, 2015 - July 8, 2015

Venue: International University of Sarajevo

Organizer(s): International University of Sarajevo

Language: English

Contact: Nerkez Opacin
Summer School Coordinator
International Relations Program
International University of Sarajevo
Hrasnicka cesta 15, 71210 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Office: +387 33 957 421 Fax: +387 33 957 105
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Web: www.ius.edu.ba

Info link: lftp.ius.edu.ba/

The International University of Sarajevo (IUS) is hosting its second summer school from June 27 to July 8, 2015. The Learning from the past - 20 Years after the Bosnian War: Education for Reconciliation and Lasting Peace in Post-Conflict Societies summer school aims to make a contribution to the process of dealing with the past, reconciliation and transitional justice approaches in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and the region. By examining the ways how and what we can learn from the past in order to confront the challenges in the present, IUS promotes the idea of education as an essential tool for reconciliation and an agent of positive societal change in post-conflict societies.

We aspire to give an overview of some of the most commonly used methodologies, approaches, tools and techniques covered by disciplines related to dealing with the past and reconciliation. With the expertise of lecturers from the region and beyond, the course will also focus on new methods in social science research relevant to this important field. The summer school is organized as a combination of lectures, workshops, excursions, field trips, visits to relevant institutions, introduction to governmental and non-governmental organizations, and participation in socio-cultural activities and events.

The summer school will consist of three, roughly two-hour, classroom sessions during most of the days, followed by visits to BiH government ministries, international organizations, NGOs and a four day field visit to the Srebrenica Memorial Centre (Potocari) and a post-genocide community (the village of Klotjevac) in Eastern Bosnia. The field trips will provide the participants with the opportunity to experience learning beyond the classroom in a community setting. It will provide them with a more intensive hands-on practice with methods discussed during the sessions.

Registration starts: February 12, 2015
Deadline for the registration for Silver and Gold Packages: May 5, 2015
Deadline for the registration for Local Package: June 06, 2015
Days of the Summer School: June 27 to July 08, 2015

*IUS is in the process of securing additional funds from sponsors and funding bodies; scholarships might be available if our funding endeavours get successful. Please, check the website for updates!
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