European Association for Public Administration Accreditation

EVENTS from Other Institutions

Training Citizen Participation and Inclusive Governance

June 1, 2015 - June 12, 2015

Venue: The Hague, The Netherlands

Organizer(s): The Hague Academy for Local Governance

Language: English

Contact: [email protected]
hone (31) 70 3738 695

Info link: www.thehagueacademy.com

Responsive governments and empowered citizens are important conditions for inclusive development. But what can governments and civil society do to make sure that all voices are heard?
In the training course Citizen Participation and Inclusive Governance you will discuss how governments can inform and involve their citizens, including minorities and marginalised groups. You will also learn how civil society can be strengthened in such a way that citizens can hold their governments accountable and bring their concerns on the table.
International expertise and exchange
The participation ladder, the accountability chain, the do’s and don’ts in participation processes, the basic principles of lobby and advocacy and the role of the media: these topics will all be part of the discussion. International experts will introduce you to the concepts and afterwards there will be plenty of opportunity to exchange ideas with them and the other participants.
Urban renewal and ‘neighbourhood dads’
This training will be a true experience! You will meet the Ombudsman of The Hague, do a media training at Radio Netherlands Training Centre and visit examples of joint policy making and multi-stakeholder governance, such as the joint design of a green and car-free neighbourhood in Amsterdam and the cooperation between local security actors and citizens to improve social cohesion in neighbourhoods. Enlightening case studies are the social housing project of Camdeboo in South Africa and improving transparency in La Paz.