European Association for Public Administration Accreditation

EVENTS from Other Institutions

MATRA Pre-Accession Training Programme (MATRA PATROL) - Access to Justice

November 18, 2012 - November 28, 2012

Venue: T.M.C. Asser Instituut, The Hague, The Netherlands

Organizer(s): T.M.C. Asser Instituut

Language: English

Contact: Email: [email protected]

Info link: http://www.asser.nl/matrapatrol

The general aim of this training programme is to stimulate and support the government of the Netherlands’ policy on European integration by aiding and promoting institutional capacity building in the fields of Rule of Law within the government organisation in the target countries by sharing the necessary knowledge and skills with policy advisors, members of the judiciary and other civil servants working in the justice sector and helping them to lead and inspire the modernisation of the judicial systems of their home countries building from the Dutch experience (strict and fair).
The secondary objective of the training is the creation of networks among the participants and between the participants and the (guest) lecturers and relevant government departments in order to promote the transfer of knowledge and the strengthening of local expertise in the various areas of policy; to stimulate collaboration amongst participants and participants and lecturers; to promote the development of sustainable, transnational and transnational networks of experts, enabling the local experts, possibly together with consortium partners, to train new experts in the region (Train the trainer).