European Association for Public Administration Accreditation


NISPAcee serves as a regional center of UNPAN unpan.un.org

EVENTS from Other Institutions

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June 12 - June 14, 2024
General Aspects of EU Law Ι: EU Law for Non-Lawyers

June 18 - June 19, 2024
Negotiate to Win: Essential Skills for Bilateral Negotiations

June 18 - June 18, 2024
Pathways to Sustainability: Innovative Solutions in Urban and Rural Areas

June 20 - June 20, 2024
Public Sector Housing Performance: Study Results and Dashboard Launch

June 20 - June 21, 2024
A Practical Guide on EU Law for Local Governments

June 21 - June 25, 2024
Stakeholder and Citizen Participation for More Co-Created Policies?

June 24 - June 28, 2024
Data Protection Certification Course

June 26 - June 27, 2024
Competitive Dialogue and Negotiated Procedures

July 3 - July 4, 2024
Advancements in Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration

July 3 - July 4, 2024
Advancements in Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration

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Other NEWS

Capacity Development Snapshot 2023 of the UN DESA/DPIDG

Central European Public Administration Review accepted for inclusion in Scopus

Central European Public Administration Review - new issue has been published

Call for applications for Public Sector Innovation and eGovernance MA programme

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INVITATION:KosovaPAR2023 Conference on PAR for an Agile and Resilient Governance

DPIDG/DESA and the International Budget Partnership (IBP) Handbook for Auditors

CEPAR new issue Vol 21 No1 (2023)

Call for papers for EGPA 2023 Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, 5-7 September 2023

Freedom House NEW REPORT: Global Freedom Declines for 17th Consecutive Year

EVENTS from Other Institutions

Understanding EU Decision-Making: Principles, Procedures, Practice (+ preliminary module)

Understanding EU Decision-Making: Principles, Procedures, Practice (+ preliminary module)

March 26, 2019 - March 29, 2019

Venue: European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), OLV plein 22, NL 6211 HE Maastricht, The Netherlands

Organizer(s): European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)

Language: English

Contact: Ms Eveline Hermens, Programme Organiser
EIPA Maastricht
Tel.: +31 43 3296 259; E-mail: e.hermens@eipa.eu

Info link: https://www.eipa.eu/product/eu-decision-making-course-module/

“I’m going to that meeting in Brussels next week. Is it an expert group or a comitology committee?”
“I need to brief the boss about what to expect. Will the Commission ask her to vote?”
“How can I know where our issue is in the EU decision process, and what comes next?”

Simple questions, the answers to which may be complex, and yet can make your job easier. This course will get you up to speed on the essential elements of how the EU system works: the different powers that the EU has, who does what, and how you can have a role in shaping EU decisions. It is concise but thorough, and focusses in detail on EU law-making.
What you will learn in this course:

The differences between legislative acts, implementing acts (the world of ‘comitology’!) and the new delegated acts, relating them to their place in the EU policy cycle, as well as in the hierarchy of laws.
The decision-making procedures within the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament, and the ways in which national officials and other stakeholders fit into the policy process.
The ordinary legislative procedure and how a ‘trilogue’ works.
Delegated and implementing acts using topical cases (including the well-known ‘glyphosate’ saga).

By the end of the course, you will:

Understand the essential principles and procedures that you need to know in order to be credible when operating in an EU context
Be able to decode messages and reports from Brussels
Be more effective in your own interactions with other officials
Be better equipped to explain how things work to your colleagues and associates
Have a feel for how things work in practice, and be able to prepare appropriately
Have a solid basis for continuous learning on the job afterwards.

Who is this course for:

Officials who have taken on a new role in Brussels
Officials who have to take part in meetings in the Commission or Council
Anyone who needs to know how EU decision-making works in practice

Course methodology and highlights

We believe learning happens best with practical knowledge. So this course includes:

Extensive insights with multiple examples and real life cases
Group exercises
Role plays and simulation games
Inputs from an experienced EU practitioner as the basis for discussion among participants about the practical demands of participation in the various stages of EU decision-making.

After-course support

In order to help retain and deepen the knowledge acquired afterwards, you will receive a copy of Edward Best’s 2016 book Understanding EU Decision-Making, published with the support of the EU Publications Office.
Course structure:

The course leaves ample time for exercises and discussions.

You will receive a set of concise preparatory materials in advance, to ensure that you have a basic knowledge of EU processes and thus be able to take full advantage of the detailed sessions and practical exercises in the course.
The introductory module

We would want you to get maximum benefits out of this course, irrespective of your level of knowledge on EU decision-making.

So in this course, we have included an introductory module to be held on the afternoon before the commencement of the detailed course, covering the following topics:

The legal bases for what the EU can and cannot do
The main ways in which decisions are taken
The different powers that Member States have given to the EU
The roles and structures of the EU institutions

While this module is optional, if you are not sure you are familiar with the basics, we recommend that you attend it, to be able to make the most of the intensive course and immerse yourself in the detailed exercises over the following days.

If you are confident of all the basics, and do not feel that you need any further training on it, you can register only for the Course.