The 29th NISPAcee Annual Conference

The 30th NISPAcee Annual Conference, Bucharest, Romania, June 2 - June 4, 2022

Excellent conference. I really enjoyed the papers, speakers, schedule and location and great staff!

D.B., United States, 27th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2019, Prague

...relating to public administration and policy. Good opportunities for networking.

N.D., Georgia, 27th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2019, Prague

Excellent participants, argument-driven discussions, impartial and supportive Chairs in the Working Group.

D.G., Republic of North Macedonia, 27th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2019, Prague detail and I really enjoyed the supportive and encouraging atmosphere there. Thank you!

R.B., Lithuania, 27th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2019, Prague

...both in terms of academic quality and logistics, and also social events. It was a true joy.

E.Z., Bulgaria, 27th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2019, Prague

...The special programmes were really excellent and we took home many varied experiences.

P.N., Hungary, 27th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2019, Prague

...Sessions were interesting, scholars were engaging and all the social events were amazing!

B.K., Kazakhstan, 26th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2018, Iasi

Excellent organization, excellent food. Compliments to the organizers, they did a wonderful job!

V.J., Netherlands, 26th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2018, Iasi

...I must say that the PhD pre-conference seminar was the most useful seminar of my life. Very well...

K.V., Czech Republic, 26th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2018, Iasi

... I would even argue that they are the very best - both in terms of scientific content and also entertainment…

P.W., Denmark, 26th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2018, Iasi

An opportunity to learn from other researchers and other countries' experiences on certain topics.

G.A.C., Hungary, 25th Conference 2017, Kazan

Very well organised, excellent programme and fruitful discussions.

M.M.S., Slovakia, 25th Conference 2017, Kazan

The NISPAcee conference remains a very interesting conference.

M.D.V., Netherlands, 25th Conference 2017, Kazan

Thank you for the opportunity to be there, and for the work of the organisers.

D.Z., Hungary, 24th Conference 2016, Zagreb

Well organized, as always. Excellent conference topic and paper selection.

M.S., Serbia, 23rd Conference 2015, Georgia

Perfect conference. Well organised. Very informative.

M.deV., Netherlands, 22nd Conference 2014, Hungary

Excellent conference. Congratulations!

S. C., United States, 20th Conference 2012, Republic of Macedonia

Thanks for organising the pre-conference activity. I benefited significantly!

R. U., Uzbekistan, 19th Conference, Varna 2011

Each information I got, was received perfectly in time!

L. S., Latvia, 21st Conference 2013, Serbia

The Conference was very academically fruitful!

M. K., Republic of Macedonia, 20th Conference 2012, Republic of Macedonia

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Alena Brunovska Award for Teaching Excellence in Public Administration

 Deadline for nominations for the year 2024: December 1, 2023
Nominations must be sent to the NISPAcee Headquarter via an e-mail: [email protected]

1. Aim
Alena Brunovska (AB) Award is the memory award, created in recognition of Alena Brunovska´s work. A purpose of this Award is to tribute to professor Brunovska’s commitment to the development of public administration education in the region of Central and Eastern Europe and to promote the lecturers and their outcomes that continue Brunovska’s legacy.

2. Publication, Selection and Ceremonial Announcement of the AB Award
The call for the AB Award is usually published annually for the calendar year; however, the NISPAcee Steering Committee as the selection body has a discretion not to award the nominee every year in order to acknowledge the best practices only. The NISPAcee Steering Committee can also appoint a special commission to review the applications and propose the selection to the Steering Committee, particularly if there are numerous applications submitted in a certain year. Decisions of the Selection Committee will be final and binding.

The AB Award call is published in autumn at NISPAcee webpages, with submission deadline December 1 and selection proceedings to run from December to May. It is a recognition to be announced in the annual NISPAcee conference, which customarily take place in May. The award comprises of an official diploma, presented to the winner at the announcement or at a separate occasion. If the annual conference is not carried out or just in a limited scope (e.g. online) but an awardee has been selected, the announcement of the AB Award is published at the NISPAcee web pages with the ceremony organised at the next conference or other event as decided by the Steering Committee. The recipient may be invited to deliver a lecture to the conference/event on a topic of their choice.

3. Submission process
In submitting a nomination, the following procedures apply:
•    usually the call is published online and further disseminated among the NISPAcee members in autumn (October or November) every year;
•    candidates shall be nominated by their department or faculty (self-nominations neither non-institutional will not be accepted), with max. one candidate per nominator; It is recommended that a collegial process be used to propose candidates – for example, by establishing a nomination committee within the department or faculty to decide which candidate(s) to put forward for the award;
•    nominations must be received by the NISPAcee Headquarter via an e-mail [email protected] by 1 December for the ongoing years/s and of the year preceding the award selection and announcement;
•    the nomination dossier should be submitted in English and include the following:
i)    a nomination letter, establishing the eligibility criteria and structured in line with the selection criteria, i.e. including a description of achievements for each obligatory selection criterion, and potentially description for any additional areas;
ii)    curriculum vitae (CV) of the candidate, i.e. app. 2-3 pages incorporating the formal data about the candidate, their main pedagogic activities (courses) and results, scientific and professional publications and projects;
iii)    a letter of reference by an academic colleague or a public functionary or an official as a candidate’s collaborator that is not affiliated with the nominator; the letter shall focus on an overall candidate’s PA pedagogic outcome and can emphasise individual selection criteria that the referee is familiar with;
Candidates can be nominated also by the NISPAcee Steering Committee.
4. Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible candidates shall:
•    be full-time faculty members of an institute of public administration or university/faculty or in-service (civil service) training organisation from the NISPAcee region;
•    have been actively teaching during at least three most recent academic years (i.e. at least 50% of the full-time teaching load defined by the academic regulations of their respective institutions);
•    be teaching and developing courses at undergraduate or graduate level or for programmes of professional in-service training; hereby, a list of all courses the candidate has taught during the three most recent academic years of teaching is to be provided with the duration of the course (i.e. one semester, full year or other, no. of ECTS) and the level of the course (i.e. undergraduate, graduate or in-service training);
•    be nominated by their pedagogic institution (institute/university/faculty or in-service training organisation) providing full nomination dossier (see above);
•    not already been a recipient of the NISPAcee AB Award.
5. Selection Criteria
All candidates for the AB Awards will be judged on the basis of their accomplishments in two main areas, i.e. i) teaching excellence and ii) leadership in pedagogy, as follows:

i) Teaching excellence: the candidate’s principal career accomplishments as a classroom teacher, especially:
a) a summary of the candidate’s teaching philosophy;
b) principal achievements as a teacher since beginning their teaching career (e.g. guest lectures, supervising theses awarded, acting as a programme coordinator or (vice-) dean);
c) students’ evaluations (if available, particularly for the last three years);
d) awards received for research and/or teaching in public administration.

ii) Leadership in pedagogy: how the candidate’s activities, other than classroom teaching, have contributed to improving the teaching of public administration. Examples of activities admissible in this category include but are not limited to the following:
a) development of existing/ new courses in academic and/or in-service training programmes;
b) development of innovative teaching techniques/methods and/or materials, and application of new technologies in course design and delivery;
c) authorship of textbooks, case studies, e-classrooms or other pedagogic materials;
d) contributions toward assisting other instructors in improving their teaching abilities (transfer of knowledge to peers and younger teachers).

Achievements in any additional areas, such as contribution to the practice of public administration, applied research or commitment to the NISPAcee activities, if pointed out in the nomination dossier, are welcome but cannot replace the criteria under i) and ii).

The winner shall provide the best overall record of professional accomplishments in both obligatory (that is the criteria under i) and ii)) and possibly additional areas outlined above.

AWARD 2023

Polona Kovac, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
More information will be added soon.

AWARD 2022

František Ochrana is a full professor at Department of Public and Social Policy, Institute of Sociological Studies Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. Professor  Ochrana's  teaching   career  has  been  rich.  broad  in  tenns   of the  scope  of subjects,  and performed  at several academic  institutions. The range of his academic  interests comprises  philosophy, methodology    of  science.   history.   public   policy,   public   administration,    public   finance,   public management. and defence policy.  He taught at the Military Academy and the Pan-European  University in  Bratislava, Slovakia, and the European  Business  School.  the Prague  School of Economics,  and the Faculty of Social  Sciences, Charles  University  in Prague, Czech Republic.
Professor Ochrana  is a devoted teacher who kindly shows students to find their own way to understand better the subject in question. He is famous for his comprehensive  and understandable  approach  when dealing  with  difficult  subjects  as he can explain  them  using examples  and stories  from common  life. The  peak of his pedagogical achievements  is  represented  by hundreds  of MSc. and dozens  of Ph.D. grateful graduates  whom he has supervised.
Professor Ochrana's  activities outside academia,  performing  the so-called third role of universities,  are far-reaching.  What follows  is  the list ofjust the most important ones which have had a positive  impact on the performance  of the Czech public administration  system and practice. Central   government   offices:   public   evaluation.   budgetary.   and   procurement   procedures:   public management,  public administrative  perfonnance  audit (1996-2021). Ministry   of  Defence   &  Armed   Forces:   analytical   and   strategic   advisory   agendas   (1991-1996): economic and budgetary  policy (2010-2011). Ministry of Regional  Development:  Smart administration  (2009):  Public procurement  (2009-2013). Supreme Audit Office:  performance  audit, fleet management  (2000-2017). Ministry of Finance: evaluation  of public expenditures  (2002-2005). Interior Ministry:  public management  (2002-2003).
Apart  from about  250 authored  or co-authored  papers  in  public  administration periodicals,  Professor Ochrana  has  published  ten  books  and  methodologies  devoted  to  public  officials  and  other  actors engaged  in  public administration  agendas.  
AWARD 2021

Daniel Klimovský is an associate professor of political science at the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava. His background is rooted in the field of public administration and public policy. Besides regular lecturing, he has delivered guest lectures at numerous universities abroad, including KU Leuven, Charles University in Prague, Panteion University in Athens, Corvinus University in Budapest, Paris 1 Pantheón-Sorbonne University, the University of Tampere, the University of the Western Cape, and the University of Barcelona. He was a main organizer and a programme director of a series of international summer schools entitled "Policy Making and Politics at the Local Level”. In addition, he has taken part in numerous workshops and training sessions as both a participant and lecturer/trainer. As a researcher, he has participated in many national and international projects of both a scholarly and practical nature. His research results have been recently published in journals dealing with public administration, public policy, and political science (e.g., Utilities Policy, Local Government Studies, Public Management Review, Lex Localis – Journal of Local Self-Government, Central European Public Administration Review, and the NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy) and in edited volumes from internationally renowned publishing houses (e.g., Palgrave Macmillan, Routledge, and Springer). He has been an independent expert for the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities at the Council of Europe since 2013, and he has been a member of the Committee for Public Administration Reform in Slovakia and a member of the Board of Advisors of the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for public administration and open government since 2021.
AWARD 2020

Maja Klun is a full professor for public sector economics at the University of Ljubljana (since 2015) and holds a position of a Vice-dean for Scientific Research at the Faculty of Public Administration since 2009. She has participated in many EU and other international projects (Tempus, 6FP - OneStopGov, Horizon 2020 - CoGov, projects of foreign universities – e. g. Hertie school of governance, University of Rijeka) and is currently a principal investigator of the Interreg Alpine Space project A-RING (2019-2022). She publishes results of research work in various magazines in the field of public administration, public finance and public sector economics. She also regularly attends public sector conferences organized by major associations in the field, such as the NISPAcee, EGPA, IASIA, ASPA. As a guest lecturer, she taught at numerous international well-renowned institutions (e. g. National University, Budapest; Charles University, Prague; Comenius University, Bratislava; Business school, Lizbona; Hoghschool, Ghent).
AWARD 2019

Iveta Reinholde is an associate professor at the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Latvia. She has considerable experience in conducting policy evaluations, working in multi-national teams and international setting on such areas as public administration reform, internal audit, human security and public services. In addition, fields of her research include EU public policy, public policy evaluation and analysis, public sector organizations and organisation theory. She is experienced in advising national and local governments. Ms Reinholde has a considerable number of publications on public management issues. Since 2014, she is an independent expert for the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Council of Europe.
AWARD 2018 

Ringa Raudla is Professor of Public Finance and Governance at Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. Her research interests include fiscal governance, public budgeting, institutional economics, and public management reforms. She is the Director of the PhD Programme in Public Administration and teaches various subjects, including public finance, financial management, research methods and economic analysis of law. She has supervised 4 PhD theses and 25 Masters' theses. She has also worked as a consultant for various governmental organisations, including the Ministry of Finance and the National Audit Office in Estonia, and international organisations, including the World Bank. She has authored more than 50 peer-reviewed publications. Her recent articles have been published in leading journals such as Public Administration Review, Governance, Journal of Public Policy, Public Administration, Public Choice, American Review of Public Administration, Policy Studies Journal, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Urban Affairs Review, Administration & Society, and Europe-Asia Studies. Ringa Raudla received the Estonian National Research Award in Social Sciences in 2018. She is also a founding member of the Young Academy of Sciences in Estonia. She is an editorial board member of six different journals in the fields of public administration, public management, governance and economics.

AWARD 2017

Ljupco Todorovski is the Full Professor of Informatics in Public Administration at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, Ljubljana, Slovenia and has PhD in Computer Sciences and Informatics. He also held a number of prominent visiting positions at different universities worldwide. As a visiting scholar he has been strongly affiliated with the prominent Stanford University in USA.

His outstanding research record includes both basic and applicative research. His publication record includes more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals. He spread the scope of his research towards applied computer science and informatics with the focus on e-government and applications of ICT in public administration. His editorial work also includes two edited volumes providing overview of very relevant contemporary best prqactices in different areas of public administration. He has been leading the NISPAcee Working group on e-Government for the period of seven years, from 2008 to 2014.

AWARD 2016

Ivan Kopric, Head of the Chair of Administrative Science, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb and President of Institute of Public Administration, Croatia. Professor Ivan Koprić is a Full Professor of Administrative Science and Head of the Study Centre for Public Administration and Public Finances at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia; President of the Institute of Public Administration, Zagreb; Editor-in-Chief of the international scientific journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration; Editor of the book series Contemporary Public Administration (28 books to date); mentor of ten PhD theses; leader, researcher, and expert in more than 30 scientific, policy, and professional projects; consultant in more than 20 projects in South-Eastern Europe; member of several academic and public bodies in Croatia; author and editor of fifteen books, around one hundred scientific papers and more than 160 other articles and more than 120 presentations at scientific conferences. Recent books (in Croatian) include: European Administrative Space (co-author, 2012), Reform of Local and Regional Self-Government in Croatia (ed., 2013), Administrative Science: Public Administration in Contemporary European Context (co-author, 2014) and Europeanisation of the Croatian Public Administration (ed., 2014). Courses include those in the study of law, public administration, tax administration, social work and several postgraduate and doctoral studies (Public Law and Public Administration; Urban Management; Social Policy). Fields of expertise and research include: local governance, decentralisation, multi-level governance, European Administrative Space, organisation theory, administrative theory, administrative education, human resource management, performance management, administrative procedures, public policy, and comparative public administration, etc.


AWARD 2015


Vitalis Nakrosis is Professor of Public Administration and one of the leading researchers of the academic core at the Institute of Intemational Relations and Political Science, University of Vilnius, Lithuania. His academic interests cover such research areas as European studies and Public administration. Fields of his research include EU public policy, public management and reforms, public policy evaluation and analysis, public sector organizations and strategic management. Professor has been responsible for delivery of lectures of Public Administration and Public Policy courses for the Master's programme on Public Administration as Comparative Public Administration, Public Choice Theories, New Public Management Theory and Doctrine, EU Public Policies, Administrative Reform. Professor has supervised number of undergraduate, graduate students and doctoral students.



AWARD 2014


Rainer Kattel is Professor of Innovation Policy and Technology Governance and Head of the Program at the Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia. He serves on several national and European (EU, European Science Foundation) commissions in charge of science and research policy and funding, including the Innovation Policy Council.  He is particularly interested in Biotechnology and national innovation systems, and he also has a strong background in Philosophy and Classics.


AWARD 2013

Hintea2Călin Emilian Hințea is Professor at Babes Bolyai University, Romania and Associate Professor at Michigan State University. He teaches Public Management and Planning in the public-sector courses. Professor Hințea is the Dean of the College of Political, Administrative and Communication Science at BBU. He is also Former Secretary of State, Head of the Strategy Unit, Prime Minister’s Office (2008–2011) as well as Former Chair of Public Administration Department at BBU (2004–2012). He serves as Senior Editor of Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences.

AWARD 2012

MziaMzia Mikeladze was a graduate of the Georgian Polytechnic with her specialisation being information technologies. She received a PhD in IT from the Moscow Institute of Control Problems and an MPA from the Georgian Institute of Public Administration (GIPA). From 1997 to 2002 she served as Dean of GIPA. In 2003-2006 she worked as Director of Civic Education, Youth and Gender Programs at the Urban Institute, an American NGO, which dealt with the improvement of local governance in Georgia with the financial support of USAID. In addition, she was one of the founders of the Caucasus School of Business where she was a Dean of the School and delivered various courses in management for graduate students until her death. In 2003, she became involved in the introduction of the School of Public Administration in Kutaisi, the second largest city of Georgia. The School provides in-service training courses for local government employees. Mzia developed a curriculum, participated in the selection of the Director and faculty and served as Head of the Governing Board of the School. In 2006, she became an Administrative Director of the International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET). At the same time, she served as a Deputy Director of ISET. She was also a member of the Governing Board at the Centre for Training and Consultancy (CTC). Since 1997, Mzia was involved in various short-term projects dealing with the Georgian government and the ongoing public sector reforms. Mzia served on the NISPAcee Steering Committee from 2001 to 2004 and was re-elected as a member of the Steering Committee in 2006 and again in 2009. She served as NISPAcee’s President from 2006-2008 and was re-elected to this position in 2010.

AWARD 2011

LaszloLaszlo Vass is the rector and professor at the Budapest College of Communication and Business, and Senior Associate Professor at the Institute of Political Sciences, Corvinus University of Budapest. His research interest is government, public administration and management, and the interest advocacy. He is author of papers and chapters in books and journals about the Hungarian public administration, civil service and administrative reforms. He is also a co-editor of the series of Political Yearbook of Hungary.

AWARD 2010

Nemec2Juraj Nemec is professor of public finance and public management at the Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia. He is also the visiting professor at the Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic, at the University in Bath, UK and at WSB Gdansk, Poland.
His main fields of interest are public economics and public finance, public administration reforms, health care policy, economics and management, public procurement. In all these areas he delivers university lectures and seminars, realizes research activities and provides consultancy and advisory services, connected dominantly with support to post/communist countries in the region.
ňHe published as author, co-author or editor more than 250 books and professional articles in Slovak, Czech, English and other languages. He is editor in chief of the NISPAcee Journal in Public Administration and Public Policy, member of editorial boards of several other professional journals.
He co-edited two NISPAcee books on public finance and public management, translated into several language mutations.

AWARD 2009

VintarMirko Vintar is Full Professor at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration in the fields of Administrative Information Systems and E-government at undergraduate and graduate level. He has been visiting professor at several European universities. His research interests are focused in particular on Informatisation of Public Administration, Document management systems, Development and implementation of e-commerce in public sector, Organisational, social and economic aspects of e-government, E-government metrics, etc. He has been author or co-author of more than hundred scientific articles in different national and international journals, monograph publications and conference proceedings. He has been chairing or co-chairing numerous working groups in particular within NISPAcee and EGPA annual conferences. He has been actively involved in founding and further development of NISPAcee, its steering committee member (1993-1998), organising its two annual conferences (Bled, 1995, Ljubljana, 2006), two Summer Schools (Portorož 1994, Prague 1997) and co-editor of several books published by NISPAcee. He has been or still is also member of several other international committees, EGPA steering committee (2000-2006), DEXA, E-gov Programme Committee and IFIP TC 13. He is also member of the national scientific counsel at Slovenian Research Agency.
He has been heading several international R&D projects under EU FP6, FP7 and TEMPUS programs and national research and development projects.
Currently Professor Mirko Vintar is a Vice Dean for Research at the Faculty of Administration and Head of Institute for Informatisation of Administration.

AWARD 2008

AghAttila Ágh
received his M.A. in philosophy and history in Budapest in 1964, and his PhD in European Sciences in Nancy (France) in 1967. He became a Full Professor in 1978. He was invited as a visiting professor to many universities and spent longer periods in Moscow, Dar es Salaam, New Delhi, Los Angeles (State University of California), Vienna and Aarhus; shorter periods e.g. in Japan, Australia and South Africa as well as at many other European universities.
In the 1980s he was the Director of the Hungarian Institute for International Relations and dealt extensively with the theory and practice of foreign affairs and policy planning. Between 1990 and 2002 he was the Head of Political Science Department at the Budapest University of Economics and the Director of the Hungarian Centre for Democracy Studies. His Centre regularly edited the Budapest Papers on Democratic Transition, later Budapest Papers on Europeanization (more than 300 entries) and from 1988 the Political Yearbook of Hungary. He has also edited four books in English on the emergence of democratic parliaments in East Central Europe. At present he is the Director of the Research Centre "Together for Europe” at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Full Professor at the Budapest Corvinus University. His major research interest is comparative politics as Europeanization and "linkage politics”, i.e. the relationship between external and domestic factors in the Central European developments. He has recently participated in the preparation and coordination of the reform of Hungarian public administration. In 2007 he became the project leader for the preparation of the Spanish, Belgian and Hungarian team presidency in the project of the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Office.

AWARD 2007

DunnsmWilliam N. Dunn
Professor of Public Policy and Management at the graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh. In addition toto policy papers prepared for national, state and local governments he has published more than 100 articles, papers and reports in areas of strategic planning and policy, policy analysis and evaluation, planned organizational change and the dissemination and use of scientific and technical information. He teaches in areas of policy analysis, program evaluation, research methods, applied statistic and knowledge utilization/dissemination/social marketing. As founding Director as the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate Center for Public Policy and Management in Skopje, Macedonia he started a program of teaching public administrators that provides public service professionals in Macedonia with an education in Public Policy and Management.

AWARD 2006

TiinaTiina Randma-Liiv
is Professor of Public Management at the University of Tartu, Estonia. She has graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Tartu and obtained her Master’s degree in Public Administration from New York University. Tiina defended her PhD at the Department of European Studies, Loughborough University in 1999. Before commiting herself to the academic career in 1995, she worked for the World Bank and as a management consultant.

AWARD 2005

Jenei2Gyorgy Jenei
is a committed educator in social science since he finished his higher education studies. Generations of students completed their studies under his pedagogical supervising during decades at the Budapest University of Economics. He is the Head of Department of Public Policy and Management Department of Corvinus University of Budapest...
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AWARD 2004

Potuceksm56Martin Potuček
Born in Prague on 2nd September 1948. He studied philosophy, mathematics, political science and sociology at the Masaryk University in Brno. Until 1989 he worked as a researcher at the Department of Complex Modelling, Sportpropag, and later at the Institute of Social Medicine and Organisation of Health Care....
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AWARD 2003

Award2003smEmilia Kandeva - Spiridonova
J.D. 1961, Ph.D. in Law, 1972. Habitation 1988. Professor of Administrative Law and Public Administration, and Dean of Law School, Bourgas Free University since 1996. A Director of the Centre for Administration at the Council of Ministers - a position of a deputy minister to the Prime Minister of Republic of Bulgaria at the first democratic government in 1992-93. A founder and the Director of the first MPA Program in Bulgaria....
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AWARD 2002


Michal Kulesza

JD 1969, PhD in Law 1993, Habitation 1987. Professor at the University of Warsaw and Head of the Public Administration Dept. Also, since 2001, Professor in WSB - NLU, Nowy Sącz. His publications include more than 150 works in administrative law and public administration. His "Public Administration. General Outline" (co-author) 1998, 2nd ed. 1999 is used in Poland as the basic textbook for the University courses in public administration...
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AWARD 2001

Award2001smWolfgang Drechsler
has been with the University of Tartu since 1993. He was a founder of the Department of Public Administration and Social Policy in 1995, and was elected Professor and Chair of Public Administration and Government in 1996. Professor Drechsler has graduated from Bridgewater College (BA), University of Virginia (MA), University of Marburg (PhD)...
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