The 29th NISPAcee Annual Conference

The 29th NISPAcee Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 21 - October 23, 2021

Excellent conference. I really enjoyed the papers, speakers, schedule and location and great staff!

D.B., United States, 27th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2019, Prague

...relating to public administration and policy. Good opportunities for networking.

N.D., Georgia, 27th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2019, Prague

Excellent participants, argument-driven discussions, impartial and supportive Chairs in the Working Group.

D.G., Republic of North Macedonia, 27th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2019, Prague detail and I really enjoyed the supportive and encouraging atmosphere there. Thank you!

R.B., Lithuania, 27th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2019, Prague

...both in terms of academic quality and logistics, and also social events. It was a true joy.

E.Z., Bulgaria, 27th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2019, Prague

...The special programmes were really excellent and we took home many varied experiences.

P.N., Hungary, 27th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2019, Prague

...Sessions were interesting, scholars were engaging and all the social events were amazing!

B.K., Kazakhstan, 26th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2018, Iasi

Excellent organization, excellent food. Compliments to the organizers, they did a wonderful job!

V.J., Netherlands, 26th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2018, Iasi

...I must say that the PhD pre-conference seminar was the most useful seminar of my life. Very well...

K.V., Czech Republic, 26th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2018, Iasi

... I would even argue that they are the very best - both in terms of scientific content and also entertainment…

P.W., Denmark, 26th NISPAcee Annual Conference 2018, Iasi

An opportunity to learn from other researchers and other countries' experiences on certain topics.

G.A.C., Hungary, 25th Conference 2017, Kazan

Very well organised, excellent programme and fruitful discussions.

M.M.S., Slovakia, 25th Conference 2017, Kazan

The NISPAcee conference remains a very interesting conference.

M.D.V., Netherlands, 25th Conference 2017, Kazan

Thank you for the opportunity to be there, and for the work of the organisers.

D.Z., Hungary, 24th Conference 2016, Zagreb

Well organized, as always. Excellent conference topic and paper selection.

M.S., Serbia, 23rd Conference 2015, Georgia

Perfect conference. Well organised. Very informative.

M.deV., Netherlands, 22nd Conference 2014, Hungary

Excellent conference. Congratulations!

S. C., United States, 20th Conference 2012, Republic of Macedonia

Thanks for organising the pre-conference activity. I benefited significantly!

R. U., Uzbekistan, 19th Conference, Varna 2011

Each information I got, was received perfectly in time!

L. S., Latvia, 21st Conference 2013, Serbia

The Conference was very academically fruitful!

M. K., Republic of Macedonia, 20th Conference 2012, Republic of Macedonia

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Mzia Mikeladze PhD Thesis Award

 Deadline for nominations for the year 2024: December 1, 2023
Nominations must be sent to the NISPAcee Headquarter via an e-mail: [email protected]
1. Aim
The Mzia Mikeladze PhD Thesis Award aims to promote research by young scholars on public administration and public policy in the NISPAcee region and to acknowledge outstanding work and a significant contribution in the field. The award was created in recognition of Mzia Mikeladze’s contributions to the discipline, professionalism, and organisation of NISPAcee. More about Mzia Mikeladze...

2. Description of the award

The PhD Thesis Award is a recognition which is announced and presented during the annual NISPAcee conference. It comprises a certificate, together with a waiver of NISPAcee conference fees for three consecutive years. The recipient of the award is also invited to present his/her PhD thesis at the annual conference. The recipient of the award also has the possibility to publish an overview of the dissertation in the NISPAcee journal.

3. Submission process

The award is announced to NISPAcee members on the NISPAcee website. Nominations have to be submitted by 1st December of any given year. Nominations can be made by the institution where the thesis has been defended. Each institution can submit one nomination. Nominations should be sent to e-mail: [email protected]

Deadline for nominations for the year 2024: December 1, 2023

4. Award Committee

The award committee will be appointed by the NISPAcee Steering Committee for a three-year term. The committee comprises a Chair and two additional members.


5.Eligibility criteria for "PhD Thesis Award" nominations

(a) Nominations can be made by the NISPAcee member institution where the thesis has been defended. 

(b) The PhD thesis should have been defended during the 18 months prior to the nomination deadline.

(c) Eligible for the award would be: 1) monographs written in English; 2) cumulative theses written in English; 3) theses written in mother tongue with the condition that at least part of the thesis has been published in an international peer-reviewed journal.


6. Documents to be submitted with the nomination

(a) An overview of the thesis in English. The overview should be 4000-5000 words and describe the work done (research questions, theoretical basis, findings, implications).

(b) A letter of recommendation from the institution.

(c) The nominee’s CV.

(d) Indication of whether – and if so, when and in what form the dissertation or parts thereof have already been published.

(e) A copy of the PhD diploma.


7. Criteria for selection

(a) Contribution (theoretical, methodological, practice-related) to public administration and public policy.

(b) Innovativeness of the work.

(c) Theoretical soundness and appropriate research strategy.

(d) Relevance of the conducted research for the NISPAcee region (theoretical and/or practical).


8. Announcement of the award

The committee’s recommendation is announced to the NISPAcee Steering Committee and the Chair of the committee announces the decision to the candidate. The Chair of the committee announces the award, the rationale of the selection and the laudation during the opening ceremony of the NISPAcee conference.


AWARD 2023
Iga Katarzyna Jeziorska, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary Topic of her PhD Theses: "Understanding the Determinants of Policy Performance in Collaborative Context: The Case of Drug Harm Reduction Services in Central-Eastern Europe"

AWARD 2022
Ionut Baciu, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Topic of his PhD theses: Between politics, policies and (case)law: the place of public procurement on the map of the EU’s internal market.
AWARD 2021
Zoltán Török, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
PhD thesis:
Understanding Large Scale Policy Change / National Policy Reform Under External Constraints
AWARD 2020
Petra Đurman, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
PhD thesis:
The Influence of Organisational Variables on the Process and the Results of Participation in Public Administration
AWARD 2019
Jelizaveta Krenjova-Cepilova, e-Governance Academy, Tallinn, Estonia
PhD thesis:
Participatory Budgeting: Theoretical Models and Applicability in Estonia and Beyond

AWARD 2018
Petr Witz, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark / PhD graduate from Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic 
PhD thesis:
Effective Governance for Public-Private Partnerships: Challenges and Solutions for existing Models

AWARD 2017
Piret Tõnurist, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estoni
PhD thesis: 

Energy Technology Innovation Systems in a Transnational Perspective: Small States, Public Ownership and Diverging Policy Rationales

AWARD 2016
Riin Savi, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
PhD thesis: The Impact of Fiscal Crises on Public Administration: Cutback Management and Changes in Decision-making

AWARD 2015

Jasmina Dzinic, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, PhD thesis "Impact of quality improvement instruments on organizational learning in administrative organizations". 

AWARD 2014
Külli Sarapuu, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
PhD Thesis: Mapping and Explaining Post-Communist Development of Administrative Structure: The Case of Estonian Public Administration 1990-2010
AWARD 2013
Jane Järvalt, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
PhD Thesis: Strategic Human Resource Management in the Public Service: Evidence from Estonia and Other Central and Eastern European Countries