The second part of the Main Conference Theme
sessions will be a roundtable discussion, open to all conference participants,
by some of the most important and well-known American experts on Public
Administration, both distinguished intellectuals and active institutional
managers. As United States theory and practice of Public Administration is both
in constant, crucial interchange with and quite distinct from its counterparts
in the NISPAcee region, yet often agenda-setting and trail-blazing, this
roundtable should provide us with a unique and important perspective on how
Public Administration will develop in and for the future.
Michael Britnall, Executive Director, American Political Science Association (APSA), Washington DC, United States
Meredith Newman, Florida International University, Department of Public Administration, Miami, Florida, United States
Ban Carolyn, University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School Public and International Affairs, Pitsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Allan Rosenbaum, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, United States