NISPAcee Database of Institutions and Persons

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List of Persons
  Last Name    First Name   Acad. Title   Home Country   Institution   Sub-unit  
Mr. Luciak  Michal    Slovakia  I do not belong to any Institution   
Mrs. Gerkeuli  Nino    Georgia  Tbilisi State University  Institute for European Studies 
Ms. Balint  Eszter    Hungary  Ministry for National Economy of Hungary  Competitiveness Department 
Mr. Ratas  Juri    Estonia  Tallinn University of Technology  Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, School of Business and Governance 
Mr. Rava  Nenad    Serbia  Center for European and Development Expertise and Programmes (CEDEP)   
Ms. Shchelchkova  Oksana    Russian Federation  Bowling Green State University  Department of Political Science 
Ms. Pliskevich  Leonida    Belarus  Belarussian Academy of Science  Department of International Economy and Foreign Economic Relations 
Ms. Novac  Claudia    Romania  I do not belong to any Institution   
Mr. Kukawka  Pierre    France  Institute of Political Studies   
Ms. Danieliants  Tatiana    Russian Federation  Economic Information Agency PRIME  Analitic Direction 
  <10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21> of 821    Total Records: 8205