NISPAcee Database of Institutions and Persons

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List of Persons
  Last Name    First Name   Acad. Title   Home Country   Institution   Sub-unit  
Mr. Kallaba  Pellumb  Student  _none     
Ms. Arutyunova  Aida    _none  UNDP Headquarters   
Mr. Vasolli  Rexhep    _none  Ministry of Economy and Finance, Kosovo  Office for European Integration 
UNDP representative      _none  I do not belong to any Institution   
Mr. Mhalla  Remmy  Economist  _none     
Ms. Sejdini  Mirjana    _none  South East European University  Department of Public Administration 
Mr. Szeremeta  Jerzy    _none  United Nations  Dept. of Economic & Social Affairs, Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government  
UNDESA representative      _none  I do not belong to any Institution   
Mr. Toromanoski  Ivan    _none  I do not belong to any Institution   
TraceyPeds  TraceyPeds  TraceyPeds Lol  Zambia     
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11> of 821    Total Records: 8205