The 26th NISPAcee Annual Conference

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In the conference participated 317 participants

Conference programme published

Almost 250 conference participants from 36 countries participated

Conference Report

The 28th NISPAcee Annual Conference cancelled

The 29th NISPAcee Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 21 - October 23, 2021

The 2020 NISPAcee On-line Conference

The 30th NISPAcee Annual Conference, Bucharest, Romania, June 2 - June 4, 2022

An opportunity to learn from other researchers and other countries' experiences on certain topics.

G.A.C., Hungary, 25th Conference 2017, Kazan

Very well organised, excellent programme and fruitful discussions.

M.M.S., Slovakia, 25th Conference 2017, Kazan

The NISPAcee conference remains a very interesting conference.

M.D.V., Netherlands, 25th Conference 2017, Kazan

Thank you for the opportunity to be there, and for the work of the organisers.

D.Z., Hungary, 24th Conference 2016, Zagreb

Well organized, as always. Excellent conference topic and paper selection.

M.S., Serbia, 23rd Conference 2015, Georgia

Perfect conference. Well organised. Very informative.

M.deV., Netherlands, 22nd Conference 2014, Hungary

Excellent conference. Congratulations!

S. C., United States, 20th Conference 2012, Republic of Macedonia

Thanks for organising the pre-conference activity. I benefited significantly!

R. U., Uzbekistan, 19th Conference, Varna 2011

Each information I got, was received perfectly in time!

L. S., Latvia, 21st Conference 2013, Serbia

The Conference was very academically fruitful!

M. K., Republic of Macedonia, 20th Conference 2012, Republic of Macedonia

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 Paper/Speech Details of Conference Program  

for the  19th NISPAcee Annual Conference
  Program Overview
PA Reform
Author(s)  Olena Babinova 
  Administration of the President of Ukraine
Kyiv  Ukraine
 Title  Reformation of the system of public administration in Ukraine: Problems and strategic priorities
File   Paper files are available only for conference participants, please login first. 
The main problems of the system of public administration in Ukraine are the next:
- plenary powers in relation to decision-making are extraordinarily washed out;
- there is a significant duplication of plenary powers both on central and local levels of government;
- consultations with citizens are not really effective;
- the system of public control practically is absent;
- the system of state control is formal and ineffective, etc.
All above-mentioned directions should be taking into account and defined as main priorities of current administrative reform in Ukraine
Reinforcement of state machine on the basis of democratic principles
The key factors of democracy are the next: active civil society, readiness of citizens to take active part in the process of decision-making in their countries; wide public participation in the process of decision-making (variety of forms of it, legal possibilities, etc.); free, honest, transparent elections; developed and strong system of local self-government, legal, fiscal, organizational autonomy of local self-government; independent mass media, etc.
These key factors are the main criteria for assessment of real state of democracy in any country.
Improvement of the process of service-delivery
Performance measurement is one of the tools used to assess how well an organization performs when providing goods and services. Performance measurement:
- Creates measures or indicators of the efficiency and effectiveness of public services;
- Produces information that municipalities can use to make decisions to improve local services;
- Strengthens municipal accountability to taxpayers;
- Monitors ongoing performance to assist in planning for the future of communities;
- Evaluates past performance and allows municipalities to share best practices.
Every country-member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development has a policy at the national level supporting performance measurement. This experience can be very useful for Ukraine.
Wide and real public participation in the process of decision-making
In Ukraine the mechanisms and methods of collaboration between power and public are not completely thorough yet and require its improvement and, in some cases, its creation. The creation of the effective mechanisms of public involvement, public participation in the activity of all governmental bodies will be important element of transparency of the power, improvement of the process of service delivery for public and reinforcing, development of democracy.
Wide and effective public participation in Ukraine will lead to reinforcement and improvement the possibilities for public control and development of the system of public control on the whole.
Legal changes for concrete and precise powers and responsibilities of all authorities on all levels of government
Duplication of powers and responsibilities between state authorities on all levels and between local state administrations and bodies of local self-government, for today in Ukraine, is one of major problem that requires the most rapid solution. The effective activity of governmental bodies in Ukraine will be possible only with the clear legislative division of their powers and responsibility.
Development and reinforcement the system of local self-government
The local self-government is one of the most important elements of the democratic system of any country. Local self-government is understood as the guaranteed by the state the right of territorial communities to take the decision on local matters autonomously and under their own responsibility but within the framework of the national legislation.
Therefore and, in the context of European integration of Ukraine it is need to bring it into line with European legislative norms, with standards and approaches of EU.