The 26th NISPAcee Annual Conference

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In the conference participated 317 participants

Conference programme published

Almost 250 conference participants from 36 countries participated

Conference Report

The 28th NISPAcee Annual Conference cancelled

The 29th NISPAcee Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 21 - October 23, 2021

The 2020 NISPAcee On-line Conference

The 30th NISPAcee Annual Conference, Bucharest, Romania, June 2 - June 4, 2022

An opportunity to learn from other researchers and other countries' experiences on certain topics.

G.A.C., Hungary, 25th Conference 2017, Kazan

Very well organised, excellent programme and fruitful discussions.

M.M.S., Slovakia, 25th Conference 2017, Kazan

The NISPAcee conference remains a very interesting conference.

M.D.V., Netherlands, 25th Conference 2017, Kazan

Thank you for the opportunity to be there, and for the work of the organisers.

D.Z., Hungary, 24th Conference 2016, Zagreb

Well organized, as always. Excellent conference topic and paper selection.

M.S., Serbia, 23rd Conference 2015, Georgia

Perfect conference. Well organised. Very informative.

M.deV., Netherlands, 22nd Conference 2014, Hungary

Excellent conference. Congratulations!

S. C., United States, 20th Conference 2012, Republic of Macedonia

Thanks for organising the pre-conference activity. I benefited significantly!

R. U., Uzbekistan, 19th Conference, Varna 2011

Each information I got, was received perfectly in time!

L. S., Latvia, 21st Conference 2013, Serbia

The Conference was very academically fruitful!

M. K., Republic of Macedonia, 20th Conference 2012, Republic of Macedonia

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 Paper/Speech Details of Conference Program  

for the  14th NISPAcee Annual Conference
  Program Overview
VI. Working Group on E-government
Author(s)  Ovidiu Stoica 
  University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iasi
Iasi  Romania
prof. dr. Gheorghe Filip 
 Title  From action plan to action in implementing e-government in Romania
File   Paper files are available only for conference participants, please login first. 
e-Government implementation in Romania passed since now two periods: from the beginning to year 2003 and after. In the first period, from year 2000 to 2003, starting from zero, in a very short time, the realizations were amazing: not only legislation in the field and very successful e-Government pilot projects (highly appreciated even at international level), but also substantial investments in the informatisation of the Romanian administration (correlated with the necessary reform for the EU integration) and the launch of the e-Government portal. After year 2003, the implementation rhythm was considerably slower; we continued some collateral efforts (like ECDL type compulsory studies for public servants and continuous investments in informatisation in the public administration field or, especially at local level a series of public administration institutions’ websites were improved, updated and made more user-friendly.
Unfortunately, the efforts realized in the last few years conducted to a smaller progress, compared with the previous period, but also compared with the other EU countries. In fact, it is a reality that we miss a national action plan in the field, but especially at local level there is no coordinated action for developing the e-administration. On the other hand, as resulted also from a survey we realized in May-June this year in local public administration institutions from several counties in the region, it appeared that there are a lot of difficulties, not only financial or technological or psychological, but also deriving from the lack of experience in project management (generally), the lack of vision and coordination among local public administration institutions that are not cooperating etc.
Starting from some conclusions of the survey, from the reality as appears especially at local level, and also from the Western experience (enhancing appreciated strategies at local level), we will highlight some directions to follow for a successful implementation of e-Government in Romania.