O4 - Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of Interactions of the Created Network
Term: January 1, 2020 – August 31, 2021
- All programs included in the project database have been invited for an external evaluation of their quality.
- Programs interested in this opportunity have been asked to complete an initial questionnaire developed by project partners.
-The completed questionnaires have served for the selection of programs which could be evalauted based on EAPAA criteria leading to the EAPAA certification or accreditation in a longer run.
- More then 20 programs have been selected for evalaution, but finally due to the Corona pandemic only 8 have confirmed to be able to manage the evalaution porocedure within the project duration.
- Finaly these 8 programmes were evaluated during the project, each of them by at least two of HEI partners.
Leading Organization: Babes Bolyai University, Cluj
Self-evaluation studies and evaluation reports of evaluated programmes have been developed only for a purpose of this project. Some of them are published here in full versions, some shortened if programmes under evaluation have requested to exclude some sensitive information. Three programmes haven't agreed to publish neither their self-evaluation studies nor evaluation reports and asked to keep them confidential.
- Self-evaluation studies of evaluated programmes