O4 - Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of Interactions of the Created Network

Term: January 1, 2020 – August 31, 2021

- All programs included in the project database have been invited for an external evaluation of their quality.

- Programs interested in this opportunity have been asked to complete an initial questionnaire developed by project partners.

-The completed questionnaires have  served for the selection of programs which could be evalauted based on EAPAA criteria leading to the EAPAA certification or accreditation in a longer run.

- More then 20 programs have been selected for evalaution, but finally due to the Corona pandemic only 8 have confirmed to be able to manage the evalaution porocedure within the project duration.
- Finaly these 8 programmes were  evaluated during the project, each of them by at least two of HEI partners.
Leading Organization: Babes Bolyai University, Cluj