Publications / Monographs
The Capacity to Govern in Central and Eastern Europe
Martin Potucek
Date: 2004
ISBN: 80-89013-17-1
Price: 0 €(+ mailing costs)
Order contact: Hardcopy not available
The main purpose of the Meeting was to bring together high civil servants from the ten Central and Eastern European countries preparing themselves to join the European Union, and top academics, both from the West and the East, to discuss the problems and challenges of strategic governance in the region. The volume comprises seven papers presented at the Meeting by the group of both Western and Eastern scholars and conclusions, passed at the end of the meeting. It offers the core message to the politicians, civil servants, and scholars in the region how to adjust priorities, approaches, institutional frameworks and tools to the enormous challenges the governance will have to cope with in the future.
Martin Potůček..................................................................................................... 7
The Welcome Address
Vladim.r Špidla, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic ..................................... 9
High-level Meeting: Th e Capacity to Govern in Central and Eastern Europe
G. Shabbir Cheema ....................................................................................................11
Strategic Brain for Central Government
Yehezkel Dror ............................................................................................................ 15
Strategy in Government: Th e United Kingdom Experience
Geoff Mulgan and Martin Potůček .......................................................................... 31
Martin Potůček ..................................................................................................... 31
Geoff Mulgan ........................................................................................................ 33
Th e European Agenda for Competitiveness, Employment and Social
Cohesion – An Overview of the Lisbon Strategy
Maria Jo.o Rodrigues ............................................................................................... 63
Th e Capacities to Govern in Central and Eastern Europe
Martin Potůček.......................................................................................................... 91
National Environmental Strategy and the Capacity to Govern:
Th e Case of Estonia
Annika Velhut.......................................................................................................... 111
Core Executive Institutions and Transposition of the Community
Legislation in Poland 1997-2001: Some Preliminary Evidence
Radoslaw Zubek ...................................................................................................... 127
Policy-making Process in Romania
Marius Profi roiu...................................................................................................... 139
Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 153