Publications / Journal of PA & PP
The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy Volume XVI, Number 2, Winter 2024/2025
Editor(s): Juraj Nemec
Date: 2024
ISSN: 1338-4309
Order contact: Sciendo
Armenia Androniceanu and Irina Georgescu
Fees for Providing Information in the Age of Digitalization
Jana Janderová
Factors Determining the Development of the Civil Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Aigul Kosherbayeva, Baurzhan Bokayev, Zulfiya Torebekova, Aigerim Amirova
The Acceptance of Nudges to Encourage HEI Students to Graduate: A Comparative Study
Radek Kovács, Artsiom Klunin, Jana Korečková, Matúš Sloboda
Western Sanctions Evasion through Third Countries: The Case of Sanctioned Cars Re-export to Russia
Vakhtang Partsvaniya, Erekle Pirveli
Bureaucratic Polarization: Balancing Merit and Trust in the Romanian Senate
Catalin Raiu, Ionuț Ciprian Negoițăbr />
Public Administration Reconstruction and Development in Post-conflict States: A Critique of Global Trends and Experiences
Purshottama Sivanarain Reddy
Taking Stock of 30 Years of CEE Transformation: Institutionalisation of Public Sector Integrity Management in Estonia
Leno Saarniit, Külli Sarapuu
Theoretic Trends in Private-Public Partnership Research: Bibliometric Analysis
Nestor Shpak, Olha Pyroh, Kateryna Doroshkevych, Orest Koleshchuk, Andrii Lipentsev
Politicisation of the Civil Service: Contestation and Context
Katarina Staronova, Colin Knox
Efficiency and Fairness in Financing Slovak National Sports Associations
Emília Zimková, Jozef Kučera
BOOK REVIEW - Kohoutek, J. 2024.Policy Work and Politicisation in the Ministries of the Czech Republic: The Dilemmas of State Service. Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University Karolinum Press
Beáta Mikušová Meričková