Publications / Journal of PA & PP
The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy | Volume VIII, Number 2, Winter 2015/2016, Special Issue: Towards Meaningful Measurement - Performance Management at the Crossroads of Internal Efficiency and Social Impacts
Editor(s): Juraj Nemec, Gyorgy Hajnal, Wouter van Dooren, Jarmo Vakkuri, Aleksander Aristovnik
Date: 2016
ISBN: 978-80-89013-78-4
ISSN: 1337-9038
Publisher: NISPAcee Press
Price: 15 €(+ mailing costs)
Order contact: [email protected]
Towards Meaningful Measurement:
Performance Management at the Crossroads of Internal Efficiency and
Social Impacts
György Hajnal, Wouter van Dooren, Jarmo Vakkuri,
Aleksander Aristovnik
Use and Utilization of Performance Information in Hungary: Exemplary
Cases from the Local-Government and the Higher-Education Sectors
György Hajnal, Márton Ugrósdy
The Implementation of Performance Management in European Central
Governments: More a North-South than an East-West Divide
Gerhard Hammerschmid, Lorenz Löffler
Performance Management and Performance Appraisal: Czech
Dagmar Špalková, David Špaček, Juraj Nemec
Searching for Organizational Intelligence in the Evolution of
Public-Sector Performance Management
Petri Virtanen, Jarmo Vakkuri
Benchmarking in Czech Higher Education
Michal Plaček, František Ochrana, Milan Půček
Measuring for Absorption: How the Institutionalisation of EU Cohesion
Policy Influences the Use of Performance Indicators in Hungary
Károly Mike, Gábor Balás
When will we ever learn ?
Vicki Johansson