Publications / Monographs
Democratic Governance in CEE Countries: Challenges and Responses for the XXI Century
Alan Rosenbaum, Juraj Nemec
Date: 2006
ISBN: 80-89013-25-2
Price: 0 €(+ mailing costs)
Order contact: Hardcopy not available
This book contains papers from the 13th NISPAcee Annual Conference "Democratic Governance for the XXI Century: Challenges and Responses in CEE Countries, Moscow, Russia, May 19-21, 2005.
The past two decades have been extraordinary ones for the countries of Central and
The 2005 annual conference of the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration of Central and
Allan Rosenbaum and Juraj Nemec
I.The Central Instruments of Governance and the Processes of Democratic Development
Cabinet Decision-Making in the Western CIS Countries: Dual executive and the diffusion of policy-making authority in
Oleh Protsyk
Political Rationality and Economic Rationality and the Hungarian Public Decision-Making System: Economic efficiency versus democracy in
Janos Hoos
Can Bad Executive Institutions Make Good Policy?Russian government under Yeltsin and Putin
Pat Gray
Involving Parliament in EU Affairs: The new member states and the Danish model
Antoaneta L. Dimitrova and Ellen Mastenbroek
Enhancing Governmental Legislative Capacity? An analysis of the effects of decision making reforms in
Andreas Bagenholm
Commitment of Slovenian Civil Servants and Politicians to Democratic Values and Norms
Miro Hacek and Marjan Brezovsek
II.The Bureaucracy as an Instrument of Democracy
Nomenklatura versus Civil Service in
Tatiana Majcherkiewicz
Politicians and Senior Civil Servants in Former Yugoslav States: Back to discarded traditions?
Aleksandra Rabrenovic and Tony Verheijen
Bureaucratic Incapacity in Transition Democracies: A case study of decision behaviour in Hungarian central government organizations
Gyorgy Hajnal
Unfinished Transition – Public Administration Reform in Serbia 2001-2004
Svein Eriksen
The Strategic Role of Civil Servants’ Training for Reforming Public Administration in
Polya Katsamunska and Pavel Pavlov
III.Local Governance and the Creation of Grassroots Democracy
City Quarter Communities: A new quality in Slovenian local democracy
Irena Baclija and Marjan Brezovsek
Understanding Issues Raised by Non-governmental Organizations for Modern Russian Public Administration
Carmine Scavo, Paul Dezendorf and Elena Murenina
Mayoral Leadership and Political and Administrative Relationships in
Natalya Kolisnichenko, Allan Rosenbaum and Valentina Krivtsova
Performance Management in Local Governments in
Zana Vokopola and Silvana Braculla
New Public Management Principles and Policy Implementation: The case of Estonian local governments
Kristiina Tonnisson
Gypsy Women in Public Life:The case of Hungarian local government
Agnes Recz Horvath
IV.Government Reform as a Means to Facilitate Democratic Development
Corruption: Commonality, causes and consequences comparing fifteen post-communist countries
Karin Hilmer Pedersen and Lars Johannsen
Policy making and Policy Implementation Problems in Central and
Juraj Nemec
Public Budgeting in the
Lucie Sedmihradska and Stanislav Klazar
Preparing the Public Service for Working in Multiethnic Democracies: a survey of schools of public administration in Central and
Michael Brintnall
V.New Theories for Democratic Development in the CEE
Public Service and the Democratic Deficit
Anetta Debicka and Marek Debicki
Political Participation and Governance Effectiveness – Does Participation Matter?
Martin Nekola
Three Dimensions of Modern Social Governance: Markets, Hierarchies and Kinships
Vladimir Benacek
Free of charge only for NISPAcee institutional and associate members (3 copies).
Table ofContents
Allan Rosenbaum, Juraj Nemec............................................................................9
TheCentralInstrumentsofGovernanceandtheProcessesof DemocraticDevelopment
Cabinet Decision-Making in Ukraine: The Dual Executive and The Diffusion of Policy-Making Authority
Oleh Protsyk .......................................................................................................15
Political Rationality and Economic Rationality and the Hungarian PublicDecision-Making System: Economic Efficiency Versus Democracy
János Hoós ..........................................................................................................27
Can Bad Executive Institutions Make Good Policy? Russian Government Under Yeltsin and Putin
Pat Gray..............................................................................................................47
Involving Parliament in EU Affairs: The New Member States and the Danish Model
Antoaneta L. Dimitrova, EllenMastenbroek....................................................59
Enhancing Governmental Legislative Capacity? An Analysis of the Effects of Decision-making Reforms in Lithuania and Romania
Andreas Bågenholm ...........................................................................................77
Commitment of Slovenian Civil Servants and Politicians to Democratic Values and Norms
Miro Hacek, Marjan Brezovsek .........................................................................99
The Bureaucracy as an Instrument ofDemocracy
Nomenklatura Versus Civil Service in Poland Defining Politico- administrative Relations Under Leszek Miller’s Government
Tatiana Majcherkiewicz...................................................................................115
Politicians and Senior Civil Servants in Former Yugoslav States: Back
Aleksandra Rabrenovic, Tony Verheijen .........................................................133
Bureaucratic Incapacity in Transition Democracies: A Case Study of Decision Behaviour in Hungarian Central Government Organisations
György Hajnal ..................................................................................................151
Unfinished Transition: Public Administration Reform in Serbia 2001 – 2004
Svein Eriksen....................................................................................................173
The Strategic Role of Civil Servants’ Training for Reforming Public Administration in Bulgaria
Polya Katsamunska, Pavel Pavlov...................................................................199
Local Governance and the Creation of GrassrootsDemocracy
City Quarter Communities: A New Quality in Slovenian Local Democracy
Irena Baclija, Marjan Brezovsek .....................................................................211
Understanding Issues Raised by Non-Governmental Organizations for Modern Russian Public Administration
Carmine Scavo, Paul Dezendorf,ElenaMurenina.........................................229
Mayoral Leadership and Political and Administrative Relationships in Kiyv and Odessa
Natalya Kolisnichenko, Valentina Krivtsova, Allan Rosenbaum...................243
Performance Management in Local Governments in Albania: A Project Report
Zana Vokopola, Silvana Braculla....................................................................257
New Public Management Principles and Policy Implementation: The Case of Estonian Local Governments
Kristiina Tőnnisson ..........................................................................................275
Gypsy Women in Hungarian Community Life
Agnes Racz Horvath.........................................................................................297
GovernmentReformasaMeanstoFacilitateDemocratic Development
Corruption: Commonality, Causes and Consequences in Fifteen Post- communist Countries
Karin Hilmer Pedersen, Lars Johannsen.........................................................311
Policy-making and Policy Implementation Problems in Central and
Eastern Europe: The Case of Hhealth Care Delivery in Slovakia
Juraj Nemec ......................................................................................................337
Public Budgeting in the Czech Republic
Lucie Sedmihradská, Stanislav Klazar ............................................................353
Preparing the Public Service for Working in Multiethnic Democracies: A Survey of Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe
Michael Brintnall .............................................................................................367
New Theories for Democratic Development in theCEE
Public Service and the Democratic Deficit
Anetta Debicka, Marek Debicki ......................................................................381
Political Participation and Governance Effectiveness: Does Participation Matter?
Martin Nekola ..................................................................................................393
Three Dimensions of Modern Social Governance: Markets, Hierarchies and Kinships
Vladimír Benáček ............................................................................................ 407
Index ..............................................................................................................................429