Project: Effective Project Management in the Water Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Implementation of the EU tendering procedures
Implementing organisation: Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee)
Partner: Civil Service Agency of the Federation of BIH (CSAF BIH), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Supported by: SlovakAid, a Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Programme
Overall objective: Effective Project Management in the Water Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Specific objective: Effective Project Management in the Water Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the terms of the EU and transfer of Slovak experience
Planned outputs:
1.1 Methodical guide for implementation of EU tendering procedures for the the water sector projects in BiH – developed manuals A (A1,A2,A3,A4), B, C, D, E, F
1.2. Developed professional capacities in BiH for effective project management in the water sector under the terms of the EU
The activities necessary for accomplishing the planned results:
- project meetings of SK and BIH experts and project teams,
- data collection and an analysis of the present situation in BIH,
- two missions of SK experts to BIH, during which they will meet with local experts, officials, design engineers and operators of waste water treatment plants. They will visit existing waste water treatment plants or buildings under construction and during the third trip they will lead the planned training and media conference.
- a study tour for 7 BIH experts to Slovakia, focused on learning from the Slovak experience regarding the construction and management of waste water treatment plants, financing of investments and project management, based on EU provisions and directives
- 6 manuals in English language, which will be translated into Bosnian language
- 3-days training for 10 trainers and 10 relevant officials,
- a media conference for 40 participants - representatives of local governments, ministries, media and NGOs,
- dissemination of the project results to 80 local governmnets, 10 canton a 4 federal and republic ministries. |