Project "Civil Society
decides too"
project "Civil Society decides too", financed by the Delegation of the European
Union to Montenegro, IPA 2013 Civil Society Facility Montenegro Programme began
in July 2014 and should last 15 months.
The project is coordinated by the Centre for Development of Non-Governmental
Organisations, Montenegro in partnership with NISPAcee and NGO BONUM,
The overall project objective is to contribute to
the higher participation of CSOs in shaping and implementing public policies in
Montenegro. So far the following main project
activities have been implemented - 5 seminars for Montenegrin civil servants on
"Cooperation between state bodies and CSOs"; Creation of the manual for civil
servants on the implementation of the Decree on cooperation between state
bodies and CSOs; Creation of a manual for civil servants on the implementation
of the Decree on conducting public discussions in preparing laws; 6 trainings for Montenegrin CSOs on the "Creation
of public policies and Advocacy" and a study visit for representatives of
Montenegrin CSOs to Slovakia, organised in June 2015 by NISPAcee. In October
2015, a national conference is planned on "Cooperation
between Government and CSOs" in Podgorica, Montenegro.
Both these manuals are available on the NISPAcee
Project "Civil Society Decides Too” is
funded by the European Union within IPA Civil Society Facility Programme
Montenegro 2013.