The aim of the EPAR project
is to upgrade the upcoming NISPAcee 23rd Annual Conference in Tbilisi (Georgia) with
Jean Monnet funded " Europanization
Panels ” which will be interposed into
all Conference Working Groups programme.
To increase awareness,
understanding and knowledge about EU public policies among researchers in the NISPAcee region and turn
their attention to the EU integration
processes and their reflection under different areas investigated by
different NISPAcee research working
stimulate the debate and research onthe
importance of European integration for states Public Administration and Public
Policy development.
provide a platform for the engagement of researchers
and policy makers.
-A set of summaries/presentations of
Europeanization panels discussed under all NISPAcee research working groups
during the conference in Tbilisi, Georgia and their distribution to about 6000 individuals (NISPAcee database) and 500
hard copies in English and Russian language ready to be distributed during all
the relevant events organized by NISPAcee and send by mail to libraries and
other relevant high education information centers
project EPAR Jean Monnet Website developed and maintained
-All NISPAcee
members and other institutions and individuals registered in the NISPAcee
databases, in total more than 2000 institutions and more than 6000 individuals
informed about the reflections of the EU policies and EU integration processes
on the focused research areas.
and impact:
-To facilitate reform processes,
preparation for EU integration and regional cooperation and awareness of
importance of PA performance - criteria for EU integration, will be the main
outcome. Public
administration and policy programmes which are in general traditionally more
nationally oriented will pay more attention to the EU policies and the EU
integration and their impact on the governance in the EU countries and target
countries. This will have an impact on the public administration and policy
curricula development towards more extensive involvement of the EU issues
in teaching and research.
NISPAcee established Europanization
Panels within Working Groups and Panels. The Europeanization panels
contained presentations of appropriate papers with points relating to EU
integration within public administration and policy. Altogethere, there were 13
EU panels with 38 presentations. A set of summaries of Europeanization
panels discussed under all research working groups and panels during the
conference will be published as an e-book and also as hard
copies in English and Russian languages.