Improving water protection and water and waste management is one of the
main priorities of the country due to the current critical situation in this
sector. In addition, an Association Agreement has been signed with the EU. The
critical situation has been confirmed via information from the Ministry of
Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, the Ministry of Environment
and the Georgian project partner NALAG. They confirmed the urgent need to
address the cleanliness of waste water and the building of waste water
treatment plants. The country is in a crucial state in this domain, with a poor
infrastructure and very low level of management. It is vital that the water sector
increases its utilisation of foreign investments, EU and EBRD funds and the
application of their methodologies in the planning and management of projects.
This is critical for the improvement of the current situation and the
implementation of EU directives and requirements to improve the living
conditions of the population. The
effective management of the water sector in Georgia is therefore the mainobjective of the project.
In order to achieve this, it is necessary to build up adequate
capacities in Georgia. Effective management of projects in the water sector at
the municipal level, under the terms of the EU and EBRD, is therefore the specific
objective of the project, under the expected upcoming reform of water
management and the expected transfer of competencies from the central to the
municipal level.