2nd Transnational Project Meeting Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 2019
2nd Transnational Project Meeting
Venue: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Meeting coordinator: University of Ljubljana
Date: November 15, 2019
Registration of participants.
Welcome of participants.
Welcome of participants.
1. Review of the first year of the project implementation – 1st interim reports: lessons learned, next reporting and financial management, 2nd Interim report to be send by all partners by March 10, 2020.
2. Report of the Project Quality Assessment Committee – presentation, discussion.
3. Review of the Intellectual Outputs already completed (O1, O2)
4. Review of O3 – presentation and discussion of 11 programs evaluations - evaluations to be finalized after the meeting based on discussions and clarification of open issues by representatives of programmes under the evaluation:
Self-evaluation studies for EAPAA accreditation/re-accreditations evaluated by EAPAA, presentations and discussions:
• Masaryk University, Brno: evaluator EAPAA
• Corvinus University, Budapest: evaluator EAPAA
Self-evaluation studies for a quality enhancement of involved of PA programs evaluated by participating HEIs, presentations and discussions:
• Babes-Bolyai, Cluj: evaluators Brno and Bystrica
• UMB Banska Bystrica: evaluators Varna and Cluj
• University of Economics Bratislava: evaluators Budapest and Kosice
• Universita PJ Safarika, Kosice: evaluators Ljubljana and Bratislava
• Varna Free University: evaluators Ljubljana and Bratislava
5. Intellectual Output 4 - preparation of a questionnaire for programmes interested in an external evaluation; division of responsibilities among the project partners in the evaluation and advising to programs applying for the evaluation.
6. Intellectual Output 5: Methodological framework for development of competencies relevant for practice and preparation of the workshop to be held in Varna in the first half of 2020; preparation of the workshop, possible days, participants, programme.
7. Intellectual Output 6: Methodological framework for developing PA curricula in conformity with the European quality and preparation of the workshop to be held in Bratislava in the second half of 2020; preparation of the workshop, possible days, participants, programme.
8. Multiplier events planned for the second half of 2020 in Romania and Slovenia – preparation, possible days, participants, and programme.
9. Presentation of the preliminary project findings at the NISPAcee conference in Split, May 14 -16, 2020 – proposal of a panel and speakers.
10. National accreditations/institutional accreditation vs. EAPAA accreditation - opportunities for project partners in their own countries – what could we do?
11. Dissemination activities of project partners
12. Open issues to be decided by the Board
13. Other
14. Next TNM meeting to be held in Budapest, November 2020 - an agreement about a day.
15. Individual meetings of programmes under evaluation and their evaluators for a final clarification of open issues.
2. Report of the Project Quality Assessment Committee – presentation, discussion.
3. Review of the Intellectual Outputs already completed (O1, O2)
4. Review of O3 – presentation and discussion of 11 programs evaluations - evaluations to be finalized after the meeting based on discussions and clarification of open issues by representatives of programmes under the evaluation:
Self-evaluation studies for EAPAA accreditation/re-accreditations evaluated by EAPAA, presentations and discussions:
• Masaryk University, Brno: evaluator EAPAA
• Corvinus University, Budapest: evaluator EAPAA
Self-evaluation studies for a quality enhancement of involved of PA programs evaluated by participating HEIs, presentations and discussions:
• Babes-Bolyai, Cluj: evaluators Brno and Bystrica
• UMB Banska Bystrica: evaluators Varna and Cluj
• University of Economics Bratislava: evaluators Budapest and Kosice
• Universita PJ Safarika, Kosice: evaluators Ljubljana and Bratislava
• Varna Free University: evaluators Ljubljana and Bratislava
5. Intellectual Output 4 - preparation of a questionnaire for programmes interested in an external evaluation; division of responsibilities among the project partners in the evaluation and advising to programs applying for the evaluation.
6. Intellectual Output 5: Methodological framework for development of competencies relevant for practice and preparation of the workshop to be held in Varna in the first half of 2020; preparation of the workshop, possible days, participants, programme.
7. Intellectual Output 6: Methodological framework for developing PA curricula in conformity with the European quality and preparation of the workshop to be held in Bratislava in the second half of 2020; preparation of the workshop, possible days, participants, programme.
8. Multiplier events planned for the second half of 2020 in Romania and Slovenia – preparation, possible days, participants, and programme.
9. Presentation of the preliminary project findings at the NISPAcee conference in Split, May 14 -16, 2020 – proposal of a panel and speakers.
10. National accreditations/institutional accreditation vs. EAPAA accreditation - opportunities for project partners in their own countries – what could we do?
11. Dissemination activities of project partners
12. Open issues to be decided by the Board
13. Other
14. Next TNM meeting to be held in Budapest, November 2020 - an agreement about a day.
15. Individual meetings of programmes under evaluation and their evaluators for a final clarification of open issues.