Project Multiplier Event E1 - virtual

E1- Public Administration Education Quality Enhancement in Slovakia
Term: April 13, 2021
Participants: 46 participants - representatives of public administration and policy high education programmes, quality assurance experts, practitioners/employers, alumni of programmes.
Leading organization: NISPAcee in cooperation with all Slovak partners

One-day-event in a form of a seminar for Slovak participants with a purpose to present the PAQUALITY project and its outputs, quality assurance, and opportunities of EAPAA accreditation/certification in Slovakia, including opportunities to participate in EAPAA site visit teams. Outputs include mailing list and dataset of relevant information of those who might be interested in the EAPAA quality evaluation, and the text file where the participants of the event  indicate their strengths and weaknesses in regard to the EAPAA accreditation/certification. These outputs will serve as a resource of relevant information for finalization of IO7 and IO8
Preparatory meeting of the project Slovak partners was held virtually on January 26,2021.
PAQUALITY Multiplier event for Slovakia was organized virtually on April 13, 2021.