Project Workshop C2- Bratislava, Slovakia - virtual

C2- Bratislava, Slovakia
—Term: September 16 - 18, 2020
—Local organizer: NISPAcee
Due to the Corona pandemics the workshop was organized in a virtual form via the Zoom platform.

Based on the 3 days program of the workshop, review and analysis and discussions of all materials, participating partners developed a final version of the material, which was reviewed and commented by all other partners and finalized and published on the project website and widely disseminated as the Intellectual Output 6.
The workshop was organized with an aim to focus on current PA curricula of the participating countries and their conformity with the European quality.

Programmes evaluated within the project were reviewed and analyzed their conformity with the EAPAA accreditation and certification criteria. In addition additional SK programs included in the PAQUALITY database and their curricula were reviewed. Participants explored the state of art and opportunities and challenges for EAPAA evaluation of PA programs in the NMS of the EU with a special focus on the PA programs in Slovakia and proposed solutions for improvements. Therefore in addition to the 3 SK project partners additional 3 SK programs were invited for the workshop.

EAPAA launched in addition to accreditation of BC. and Mgr. programs a new level of evaluation of PA programs in 2016 - the certification, and planed to launch an accreditation of PhD programs within the project duration. EAPAA criteria and procedures were reviewed, mainly regarding their implementation and relevance for he NMS. Challenges for PA programs in Slovakia and other NMS were specified and the Methodological framework for developing PA curricula in conformity with the European quality was developed.

Participants: 15 from partner institutions (NISPAcee 3, EAPAA 1, Masaryk University 2, BUDAPESTI CORVINUS EGYETEM 2, EU Bratislava 2, UMB Banska Bystrica 3, PJ Safarik Kosice 2 and an additional 3 from other SK programs from UMC Trnava, Technical University in Kosice and Comenius University in Bratislava.

Format: prior workshop - desk research, surveys, interviews, advanced reading;
during the workshop - lectures, discussions, exercises, group work, individual work.
Methodology: comparative analyses, benchmarking, peer learning
Resources: Intellectual outputs O1, O2,O3,O4,O5, EAPAA evaluation criteria
Output: Intellectual output O6