Project Workshop C1- Varna, Bulgaria -virtual

—Term: November 4 -6, 2020
—Local organizer/host: Varna Free University
Due to the Corona pandemics the workshop was organized in a virtual form via the Google Meet platform.  

Based on the 3 days program of the workshop, review and analysis of all materials and discussions, participating partners developed a final version of the material, which was  reviewed and commented by all other partners and finalized and published on the project website and widely disseminated as the Intellectual Output 5 of the project.

The workshop focused on development of competencies relevant for practice.

The program of the workshop was focused on analyses of the current PA programs and their relevance for practice. The main aim of the activity was to identify teaching and learning approaches, which combine theoretical and scientific knowledge on the one hand with practice oriented action on the other hand. In reaching this aim the work-group focused on innovative teaching and learning methods, assessment methods, resources and competencies which lecturers need to support students to develop skills, competencies in public administration relevant for the practice.

The methodology of competency-based curricula development was utilized. This links theory to practice, and a gap between competencies needed in practical work in public administration and those obtained in the educational programs should be bridged. Therefore, the examination of the value of core competencies of study programs in PA for the practice was examined, if a relevance for practice is contended. These activities were also supported by surveys and interviews of employers of graduates of particular study programs under consideration, which were implemented under the Intellectula Output1.
Development of competency-based curriculum is based on the fact that competency outcomes drive curriculum objectives and programs have learner-centered orientation, and therefore, the identification of specific competencies of public administrations' is needed to develop efficient and appropriate curricula.

University of Ljubljana had a leading role in the workshop preparation and the program substance in cooperation with Babes-Bolyai University and Masaryk University. Subsequently, the Ljubljana University was a leading organization in the development of the Intellectual Output5.

There were 10 participants from Bulgaria (5 from Varna Free University and 5 from other parts of Bulgaria) and partners from Ljubljana University 2, Masaryk University 3, Babes- Bolyai University 2, NISPAcee 2 (observers).

Format: prior workshop - desk research, surveys, interviews, advanced reading;
during the workshop - lectures, discussions, exercises, group work, individual work.
Methodology: competency based curricula development, comparative analyses, benchmarking, peer learning
Resources: Intellectual outputs O1, O2,O3,O4, EAPAA evaluation criteria
Output: Intellectual Output O5