O3 - Methodological Framework for Quality Improvement of Project Partners

Term: January 1, 2019 – January 31, 2019

O3 description:
- 10 public administration programmes' evaluations based on EAPAA accreditation criteria planned, out of which 8 would be performed by participating HEIs, and 2 by EAPAA;

- Project partners will participate in evaluations of programs of other HEIs based on their self-evaluation reports;

- All studies developed under this output will be available for all the partners in the project intranet for mutual learning purposes.

Leading Organization: EAPAA
O3 implementation:
Evaluations of 12 PA programmes were implemented, 8 programmes by participating HEIs, and 4 programmes by EAPAA. Programmes were evaluated based on their self-evalaution studies developed according to EAPAA guidelines:

  •           Self-evaluation studies of participating programmes
  •           Case studies - Organisational learning during the EAPAA self-evaluation process