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NISPAcee Strategy meeting

October 20 – 21, 2011, Budapest, Hungary


The NISPAcee Strategy meeting was held in Budapest on October 20 and 21, 2011.  NISPAcee regularly reconsider the mission and strategy of the organization every three - four years (Strategy meetings were held in 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008).  The NISPAcee present and past Steering Committee members and representatives of core NISPAcee members and partners were invited to participate.

The strategy meeting started in Thursday, October 20, 2011 by the preparatory working group meeting let by the NISPAcee Steering Committee members. The group members summarized what was done until now, the present status of NISPAcee and environment in which NISPAcee operates from geographical, political and global point of view. The NISPAcee mission, functions and objectives were revised and its role in the region in present era had been discussed. Further discusions was focused on revising membership categories, services and fees, governance and management, activities to be improved (conferences, fundraising, quality of research, emphasis on the Central Asia countries, Improvement of communication tools, minimizing expenditures on publications, developing of training courses, needs assessment among practitioners, etc). At the end of the meeting all conclusion had been formulated to be presented the second day of the meeting. Next day the line of working group members was increased by invited representatives of NISPAcee core members and partners. The audience had been informed by all results and recommendations from the preparatory meeting and NISPAcee members presented own views, comments and suggestions. Recommendations from the NISPAcee Strategic document were discussed in details.

The strategic document will be developed by the NISPAcee Steering committee and distributed among all members for their comments and suggestions. The final document will be adopted by the NISPAcee General Assembly at the meeting in Ohrid, Macedonia, May 2012, during the 20th NISPAcee Annual Conference.

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