www.nispa.org Print version :: The 4th Trans-European Dialogue
TED - Trans-European Dialogue /
4th TED
Law and Public Management Revisited
9-11 February, Vienna, Austria, 2011 

There are several topics to address for this debate:
1. Theories and Practice of Law versus Management:
2. Law versus Public Management, the reform agenda:
- Legality vs. discretion: the role of courts and the pressure of public managers.
- Deregulation
- Transparency and public administration
- Speeding up administrative proceedings for effectiveness
- The issue of "Better regulation”
3. Institutional issues:
The institutional issues are interrelated with issues of PA reform.

Host Organisation : Chancellerie, Vienna, Austria. Vienna, with its very specific Legal
tradition – both in PA scholarship and PA practice – and the Austrian managerial experience as well, would be very suited to host a TED on this topic.

Target Group (recruiting and selection will be done by EGPA and by NISPAcee):
· top experts - responsibles from research institutes and some practitioners,
· young PhD students from EGPA and NISPAcee.

Format of the meetings:
· There’s going to be a limited number of participants (app. 40).
· There is a focus on dialogue and discussions. Therefore, there are no formal
presentations of papers; there are some keynotes to start a debate and participants
contribute with the elements of their research. There is a selection of people based
on research conducted and paper proposals. A selection of these papers will be
· In principle, there is a series of topics to be covered with co-chairs for the debates
after a key note per topic.

Organizing committee:
· Austria: Mag. Michael Kallinger, Head of department III/7 at the Federal Chancellery
(BKA- Chancellery) and Prof. Dr. Renate Meyer (Head of the Institute for Public
Management at WU)
· EGPA (related to the PSG Law and PA): Prof. Dr. Philip Langbroek (Utrecht
University) and Dr. Dacian C. Dragos (Babes Bolyai University Cluj Napoca)
· NISPAcee: Dr. Polona Kovač (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration) and
Marton Gallen (István Széchenyi University)

Provisional Programme

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Arrival of participants
Welcome reception hosted by the Austrian Chancellery
Welcome message by a representative of the Austrian Chancellery
Venue: The Federal Chancellery: Kassensaal, Hohenstaufengasse 3, 1010 Wien

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Departure from the hotels

09.15 - 09.45
Registration of participants
Venue: Schloss Laudon, Mauerbachstraße 43, 1140 Wien

9.45 - 10.00
Welcome by the Austrian Federal Minister for Women and Civil Service, Mrs. Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek

10.00 – 10.40
Opening of the workshop
Prof. dr. Geert Bouckaert, Past EGPA President
Prof. dr. Mzia Mikeladze, NISPAcee President
Prof. dr. Philip Langbroek, TED4 Organizing Committee

10.40 – 11.00
Tea/coffee break

11.00 – 12.30
Session 1 - General Introduction
Session chair: dr. Dacian Dragos
Opening introductions by: prof. dr. Jean-Bernard Auby (F), Administrative Law, Democracy and Public Management (reflecting on the way our administrative laws combine the search for further transparency, participation of the citizens, and so on, and managerial concerns, which require cost-reductions, externalization, the use of more flexible types of regulation)
Discussants: Gavin Drewry (GB), Jacek Czaputowicz (PL), Thierry Tanquerel (CH), Verena Madner (A)

12.30 – 14.00
14.00 – 15.30
Session 2 - Theories and Practice of Law versus Management
Session chair: Marton Gellen
Opening introductions by: prof. dr. Stavros Zouridis (NL), The Rule of Law as Governance Challenge (how the rule of law affects public organizations/public governance and contemporary governance challenges presented by the rule of law)
Discussants: Roberto Caranta (IT), Marius Constantin Profiroiu (RO), Jenei Gyorgi (H)

15.30 – 16.00
Tea/coffee break

16.00 – 17.30
Session 3 - Law versus Public Management, the reform agenda

Session chair: dr. Polona Kovač
Opening introductions by: prof. dr. Ivan Koprić (CRO), Administrative Technology and General Administrative Procedure: Challenges and Changes in South-East Europe (The GAPA reforms in the SEE as an interplay between the rule of law tradition and political pressure on the rationalization of public administration)
Discussants: Juraj Nemec (SK), Franziska Kruse (D), Gregor Virant (SLO), Predrag Dimitrijević (SRB)

Dinner hosted by the National Bank of Austria (Österreichische Nationalbank)
Venue: Otto Wagner Platz 3, 1090 Wien

Friday, February 11, 2011

Departure from the hotels

10.00 – 11.30
Session 4 - Institutional issues
Session chair: prof. dr. Philip Langbroek
Opening introductions by: dr. Andras Patyi (H), Efficiency and judicial review. Friends or foes? (The role of traditional and alternative dispute resolution in public administrative cases: towards a new kind of cooperation) and
dr. Alex Brenninkmeijer (NL), Public Management from a/the citizen perspective
Discussants: Milan Remac (SK), Iskra Akimovska Maletić (MK), Gar Yein Ng (GB/H), Rob Widdershoven (NL)

11.30 – 12.00
Tea/Coffee break

12.00 -13.00
Closing of TED4
Wrapping up: prof. dr. Renate Meyer (A)
Follow up:
– on the publications (NISPAcee Journal Special): dr. Dacian Dragos, prof. dr. Philip Langbroek, dr. Polona Kovac and Ludmila Gajdosova (NISPAcee)
– TED5 2012: prof. dr. Geert Bouckaert (EGPA), prof. dr. Mzia Mikeladze (NISPAcee)

13.00 – 14.00
Lunch/Farewell coffee

List of Participants

1. Renate MeyerPhD, Professor, Wirtschaftsuniversität, Wien, Austria

2. Philip Langbroek, PhD, Professor, Montaigne Center, Utrecht University, The Netherlands3. Dacian Dragos, PhD, Associate Professor, Public Administration Department, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj NapocaRomania

4. Polona Kovač, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, Slovenia

5. Marton Gellen, Lecturer, István Széchenyi University, Corvinus University of Budapest, Századvég Academy of Public Administration, Ministry for National Development, Hungary

Keynote Speakers
6. Jean-Bernard Auby, PhD, Professor, Science-Po, Paris, France
7. Stravos Zouridis, PhD, Professor, Tilburg University, The Netherlands

8. Ivan Koprić, PhD, Professor, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law, Croatia

9. Andras Patyi, PhD, Supreme Court, Hungary

10. Alex Brenninkmeijer, PhD, The Dutch Ombudsman, The Netherlands

11. Akimovska Maletić Iskra, PhD, Assistant Professor, Police Academy, FYR Macedonia

12. Caranta Roberto, PhD, Professor, Università degli studi del piemonte orientale, Torino, Italy

13. Casanovas Pompeu, PhD, Professor, Univ. Auton., Barcelona, Spain

14. Czaputowicz Jacek, PhD, Hab. Professor, Professor of Political Science, Director of The National School of Public Administration, NISPAcee Steering Committee, Poland

15. Davitkovski Borče, PhD, Full Professor, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of law "Iustinianus Primus”, FYR Macedonia
16. Dimitrijević Predrag, PhD, Full Professor, University of Niš, Faculty of Law, Serbia
17. Drewry Gavin, PhD, Professor Emiritus, Emeritus Professor of Public Administration, University of London, United Kingdom
18. Ionita Sorin, PhD, Romanian Academic Society (NGO), Romania

19. Jenei Gyorgy, PhD, Professor, Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty of Economics,
NISPAcee Steering Committee, Hungary
20. Kruse Franziska, Ass. iur., wissenschaft liche Mitarbei-terin, Hochschule, Speyer,Lehrstuhl für Oeffentliches Recht, Staatslehre und Rechtsvergleichung, Germany

21. Lafarge François, PhD, ENA – University of Strasbourg, France

22. Lienhard Andreas, PhD, Professor, Bern University, witzerland

23. Malniev George, PhD, Professor, Tehnical University of Sofia, Faculty of Management, Bulgaria

24. Madner Verena, PhD, Professor, Institut für Österreichisches und Europäisches Öffentliches Recht (WU), Austria

25. Makrydimitris Anthony, PhD, Professor, PSPA, University of Athens, Greece
26. Ng Gar Yein, PhD, Central European University, Legal Studies Department, GB/Hungary

27. Nemec Juraj, PhD, Professor, Matej Bel University, Faculty of Economics, Slovakia

28. Piana Daniela, PhD, Assistant Professor, Bologna University, Italy

29. Profiroiu Marius Constantin, PhD, Full Professor, The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, NISPAcee Steering Committee, Romania

30. Remac Milan, Researcher, Utrecht University, Slovakia,

31. Risteska Marija, PhD, Center for Research and Policy MakingFYR Macedonia

32. Suwaj Patrycja Joanna, PhD, Professor, University of Bialystok, Faculty of Law, Poland

33. Tanquerel Thierry, PhD, Professor, Université de Genève, Switzerland

34. Turc Emil, PhD, Associate ProfessorIMPGT – Aix – France, France

35. Virant Gregor, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, Slovenia

36. Widdershoven Rob, PhD, ProfessorUtrecht University, The Netherlands

EGPA – NISPAcee Representatives

37. Geert Bouckaert, PhD, Professor, Public Management Institute Leuven, EGPA Past President, Belgium

38. Fabienne Maron, PhD, IIAS/EGPA, Scientific Administrator, Belgium

39. Mikeladze Mzia, PhD, Professor, NISPAcee Steering Committee (president), Caucasus University, Georgia

40. Raudla Ringa, PhD, NISPAcee Steering Committee, Tallinn University of Technology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Estonia
41. Gajdosova Ludmila, NISPAcee Executive Director, Slovakia

Austrian Organisers
42. Michael Kallinger, Host Chair, Head of department III/7 at the Federal Chancellery (BKA- Chancellery), Austria

43. Elisabeth Schindler, Host, Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, Austria

Further information at the EGPA web site:


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