www.nispa.org Print version :: BBF - HOW TO BE A BETTER POLICY ADVISOR, 2006
Training Programmes /

 "How to be a Better Policy Advisor in Public Administration Reforms - training young professionals"



Place: Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 2006


NISPAcee / SlovakAid project "How to be a better policy advisor in Public Administration Reforms - training of young professionals" (2005 - 2006) was implemented by NISPAcee and the project partner institution The Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Belgrade. The project was supported by SlovakAid, Bratislava– Belgrade Fund.


The main goal of this project was to provide policy advice for the successful public administration reform in Serbia and Montenegro which aim to the preparation of this new union of states for being based on the principles of the European Union and the developed democratic world. This could be achieved by properly delivered policy advice to the governmental decision makers.

Therefore the objective of this project was building of indigenous advisory capacities from among young professionals in public administration and public policy for the different levels of Serbia & Montenegro governments in public administration reforms.


The objective of the project was achieved by preparation of the NISPAcee training course "How to be a better policy advisor” for its incorporation into the teaching curricula of The Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Belgrade by implementation of the series of the training courses for advisors "How to be a better policy advisor” and special trainings of local trainers.


Main project activities:

Preparatory meeting
February 3-5, 2006

Training of trainers – 1st part
February 16-18, 2006 (English language)

Training of trainers – 2nd part

Model training course for advisors „How to be a better policy advisor"
February 27 –
March 2, 2006 (English language)

Pilot training course for advisors "How to be a better policy advisor”

April 5-8, 2006 (English language)

Advanced Training of trainers
June 26 - 28, 2006 (English language)

Training course for advisors "How to be a better policy advisor"
June 29 - July 2, 2006 (Serbian language)

Training course for advisors "How to be a better policy advisor"
September 28 - October 1, 2006 (Serbian language)

Translation of the manual for advisors into the Serbian language

Translation of the manual for trainers into the Serbian language

Team of Serbian trainers


- Aleksandar Panovski, Republican Council for Resolving of Conflicts of Interests

- Djordje Pavicevic, Faculty of Political Sciences

- Dusan Pavlovic, Faculty of Political Sciences

- Jasmina Glisic, Faculty of Political Sciences

- Mysun En Natour, Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self Government

- Slavisa Orlovic, Faculty of Political Sciences

- Svetlana Djukovic, Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self Government

- Snezana Djodrdjevic, Faculty of Political Sciences

- Tamara Dzamonja Ignjatovic, Faculty of Political Sciences

- Vladimir Ateljevic, European Integration Office, Government of the Republic of Serbia

- Dejan Pavlovic, Faculty of Political Sciences

- Zoran Krstic, Faculty of Political Sciences

- Dragana Mitrovic, Faculty of Political Sciences

- Maja Kovacevic, Faculty of Political Science




Faculty of Political Sciences,  University of Belgrade

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