www.nispa.org Print version :: REGISTRATION AND HOTEL RESERVATION
11th NISPAcee Annual Conference /


Deadline (extended):
Registration and hotel reservation is available now, and you are kindly asked to make the reservation of the hotel by Febraury 7, 2003 at the latest. (http://www.nispa.org)

Conference Registration Fees in USD:

NISPAcee Institutional Members (Principal Representative or designated alternate)

free of charge

NISPAcee Non-Members (from Eastern countries)

50 USD

NISPAcee Observers(from Eastern Europe) and other participants of member institutions

20 USD

NISPAcee Associate Members (Principal Representative or designated alternate)

100 USD

NISPAcee Observers (from Western countries) and other participants of Associate Members

150 USD

NISPAcee Non-Members (from Western countries)

200 USD

Additional fees after registration deadline (February 7, 2003)

50 USD

The fee covers conference organizational costs, full conference documentation and access to all scientific activities and conference proceedings.

NOTICE: Accommodation

Special price (from 34 to 96 USD) for accommodation has been negotiated for the conference participants in two hotels in Bucharest (Best Western Parc- also the conference venue, and hotel Turist), but on very strict conditions to confirm the final reservations in the end of January 2003. Therefore the reservation will be made only for those applicants who will register by the deadline: February 7, 2003.

For prices see the Registration and Hotel Reservation form on the NISPAcee web site. Both hotels are in the same location, 3 minutes walking distance from each other

The reservation will be cancelled if the payment in advance is not realized by February 28, 2003
Cancellation fees will be charged from March 1, 2003.


Visa: A visa may be required of citizens from certain countries. Participants are obliged to arrange the visa in their countries themselves. Kindly contact the NISPAcee Secretariat if you need an Invitation Letter from the Romanian co-organizer.

Insurance: Each participant of the NISPAcee Conference takes responsibility for arranging the health or any other necessary insurance. NISPAcee will not take any responsibilty of participants in this matter.

Local transportation:
see more information on separate page
There is an easy access to the conference venue by public transportation from the airport as well as from the railway station, or by taxi.
Air: 15 minutes away from Otopeni International Airport
Railway: located 10 minutes away from the north railway station (Gara de Nord)
To the city centre: 10 minutes

Working language: English

(c) NISPAcee, Generated: February 8, 2025 / 16:14