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ASPA Annual conference
Denver, March 9–12, 2018
NISPAcee President Juraj Nemec was invited to participate at the ASPA Annual conference in Denver, 9.–12.3.2018. He participated at the Opening Plenary and especially chaired the NISPAcee Panel at the conference, organised on 10.3.2018.
The speakers of the panel were Cristina Stanica (University of Delaware, Newark, USA) with the theme New Public Governance in Central Europe, Tamara Nezhina (High School of Economics Moscow, Russia) with the theme Research in Civil Service and Public Administration and Valeriya Utkina (High School of Economics Moscow, Russia) with the theme Gender Aspects of the Russian Civil Service. The distinguished guest and discussant at the panel was Allan Rosenbaum (Florida International University, USA). The panel went really well and finished with life discussion about the specifics of our region.

The NISPAcee President was also invited to speak at the International Panel organised by Florida International University on 11.3.2018, where he introduced NISPAcee and its role in the region.
(c) NISPAcee, Generated: February 10, 2025 / 23:23