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Trans-European Dialogue

TED 10 Conference

Date: 1-2 February 2018

Venue: University of Portsmouth, Portland Street, Richmond Building, Room 1.15, Portsmouth, UK PO1 3DE

Theme: The Study and Practice of Public Administration in Europe


The participants will further discuss how to approach PA key issues and how to develop the PA as object of research and teaching especially: interdiciplinarity of the field - how disciplines are collaborating (or not) in/within Public Administration and the linkages between the major disciplines. We will also address the important theme of the PA research funding between opportunities and challenges. The participants to TED 10 will also address the different aspects of PA Education as its internationalization and digitalization, the role of accreditation and the links between research agenda and Education in PA. We will also investigate the role of learning societies in the developments of PA study and practices and the future orientations for Public Administration.

1) Inter-disciplinary research in Europe: perspectives & practice in Public Administration

TED 10 Conference will address the relationships of different social science disciplines to Public Administration. The participants will approach the linkages between the major disciplines that constitute the field of Public Administration. Key questions are how disciplines, such as political science, public management,law, sociology, economics, are contributing to the development of the field. The key question is what we can learn from a multi and/or trans-disciplinary perspective. How synergies between disciplines can contribute to produce relevant knowledge to understand the functioning of the field of public administration and public policies. We will also discuss the philosophical foundations of Public Administration from classical metaphysics to phenomenology, empiricism to rationalism and pragmatism to personalism and their importance for public governance as well as epistemological and ontological issues. They will also highlight the future trends of PA and PM research agenda.

2) The Future of Public Administration Research and Funding

TED 10 speakers and participants will debate the important issue of financing research in Public Administration. What are the opportunities for research funding and are they linked to the needs of PA at national and European levels and/or to innovations? Experiences of funded programmes in Public Administration will be presented and discussed: the different steps to develop initiatives/programmes/projects and/or to apply for grants: national grants, European funding opportunities as well as those linked to research and PA agenda. They will also address the different ways for a better integration of evidence on the impact of research and innovation in policy-making and how PA research can be embedded in Public Administration future developments.

3) Developments and Strategic Challenges in Public Administration Education

TED 10 will also contribute to the important debate on major trends and developments in Public administration education. The participants will discuss the important linkage between research and teaching, Europeanisation and internationalization as well as adaptation to national needs, role of accreditation and quality standards. They will also address the role of new technologies and the digitalization of PA education and training programme.

4) Learning societies: Contributions to scholarship, knowledge and practice and future directions for Public Administration

TED 10 will provide participants with an overview of the key contributions of learning societies to scholarship, to knowledge and practice. They will further discuss the role of these societies and networks in coordinating the work of schools and institutes of PA in quest of education, training and research in public administration, in organizing conferences, dialogues and knowledge platforms for academics and practitioners at national (national council), European, and global level. The objective is to make the bridge between Public Administration as a discipline and as a profession and to point out the key trends for the future.



The Trans-European Dialogue (TED) is a scholarly conference organized jointly by the two key professional associations of Public Administration in Europe. Those associations are the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) and the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe(NISPAcee). It is a high-level, focused conference on a timely topic in Public Administration (PA) that will profit from bringing together senior experts from different regions, thereby facilitating interchange and discussion across Europe and even including Central Asia and the Caucasus, which also belongs to NISPAcee’ s area.


Thursday, 1st February 2018

09.00-09.30 Registration


09-45- 10.15 Welcome by Dean, Prof Gioia Pescetto

Welcome by Prof. Juraj Nemec (NISPAcee President), Prof. Edoardo Ongaro (EGPA President) and Dr. Sofiane Sahraoui (IIAS Director General)


10.15-12:00 Session 1:Inter-disciplinary research in Europe: perspectives & practice in Public Administration

o Political Science, Traditions of Inquiry, and Public Administration in Europe – Prof. Andrew Massey (University of Exeter, UK)

o Philosophical foundations of Public Administration study and practice: ontology, political philosophy, epistemology – Prof. Edoardo Ongaro (The Open University, UK)

o Public Administration and Public Management Research: fads and futures – Prof. Karen Johnston (University of Portsmouth, UK)

With the contributions of:

o A Systematic Literature Review of Public Governance Models: a Comparative Analysis of Old vs. New EU Member States - Marko Ropret (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

o Sustainable development and Inter-disciplinary approach – Peter Lakatos (National University of Public Service, Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training – Hungary)

Discussant: Ministerial Advisor Johanna Nurmi (Ministry of Finance, Finland)

Q & A and Discussion


12:00- 13:00 Lunch


13:00-14:30 Session 2: The Future of Public Administration Research and Funding

oPublic Administration research and innovation – Dr. Veiko Lember (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia and Public Governance Institute - KULeuven, Belgium)

o Public Administration evidence and impact – Prof. Claire Dunlop (University of Exeter, UK)

oReflections and Experiences of COST ACTION- Prof. Sabine Kuhlmann (University of Potsdam, Germany)

oEC Horizon 2020 Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies -Reflections

Discussant: Dr. Polonca Kovač (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Q&A and Discussion


14:30 -15:00 Coffee/ Tea Break


15:00-17.00 Session 3: Developments and Strategic Challenges in Public Administration Education

oInternationalization and digitalization as strategic challenges in Public Administration education – Prof. Calin Hintea ( Babes-Bolyai University, Romania)

o Public Administration Teaching - How and Why East Differs from the West? - Prof. Gyorgy Gajduschek (Corvinus University, Hungary)

o Internationalization and the role of accreditation in Public Administration Education – Prof. Juraj Nemec (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)

o Research and Teaching Public Administration – Professor John Diamond (edge Hull University, UK) and Prof. Catherine Farrell (University of South Wales, UK)

With the contribution of

o The carbon footprint of the Hungarian Police - Peter Lakatos (National University of Public Service, Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training – (Hungary)

Discussant: Prof. Taco Brandsen (Radboud University, The Netherlands)


17:00-17:30 Reflections of Public Administration – Dr. Sylvia Horton (University of Portsmouth)


18:30-19:00 Drinks reception at The Old Customs House, Gunwharf, Portsmouth


19:00- late Dinner at The Old Customs House, Gunwharf, Portsmouth


Friday, 2 February 2018

09:30-11:00 Session 4 Learning societies: Contributions to scholarship, knowledge and practice and future directions for Public Administration

o International Institute for Administrative Sciences - Dr. Sofiane Sahraoui (Director General of IIAS)

o The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe - Prof. Juraj Nemec (President of NISPAcee)

o Political Studies Association – Dr. Sarah Cooper (Chair of Public Policy and Administration of the PSA)

o Public Administration Committee of the Joint University Council – Prof. Joyce Liddle (Chair of the JUC)

o European Group for Public Administration - Prof. Edoardo Ongaro (President of EGPA)

With the contribution of:

o Finding the Holes, Filling the Gaps: Understanding Practitioner Expectations and Academic Output in Assessing Public Sector Reform - Dion Curry (Swansea University – United Kingdom)

Discussant: Prof. Gyorgy Hajnal (Corvinus University, Hungary)

Q&A and Discussion


11:00 – 11:30 Closing Session – Prof. Juraj Nemec and Prof. Edoardo Ongaro


11:30 -13:00 Farewell Lunch & Wine


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