TED 8 –Trans-European Dialogue
Meaningful Measurement: Performance
Management at the Crossroads of internal efficiency and social impacts
Milan - Bocconi University - 5-6
February 2015
The 8thTrans-European Dialogue (TED) took place in Milan at the Bocconi University from
5-6 February 2015 on the theme: Towards Meaningful Measurement: Performance Management
at the Crossroads of internal efficiency and social impacts.
The Trans-European Dialogue (TED) is an annual
scholarly conference organized jointly by the two key professional associations
of Public Administration in Europe, the European Group of Public Administration
(EGPA) and the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in
Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee).
All the participants presented their
contributions and discussed the various issues related to performance
measurement and the internal efficiency of public organisations.It
was also an excellent opportunity for various EGPA and NISPAcee participants to
focus on the topics described above to intensify the exchange of views
including a round table on the theme: Europe East and West, North and South.
The presentations will be published in the NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, Vol. VIII, No. 2, Winter 2015/2016.