www.nispa.org Print version :: ALENA BRUNOVSKA AWARD 2001
Alena Brunovska Award /

has been with the University of Tartu since 1993. He was a founder of the Department of Public Administration and Social Policy in 1995, and was elected Professor and Chair of Public Administration and Government in 1996. Professor Drechsler has graduated from Bridgewater College (BA), University of Virginia (MA), University of Marburg (PhD), German Post-Graduate School of Public Administration Speyer, Habilitation University of Tartu. Professor Drechsler has served as Advisor to the President of Estonia for Administrative Organization, as Executive Secretary with the German Wissenschaftsrat during German Reunification, and as Senior Legislative Analyst in the United States Congress. He has headed, and is heading, several large-scale research projects; he has also done extensive consultancy work, particularly for governance institutions. Professor Drechsler has taught at the Universities of Marburg, Gießen, and Frankfurt/Main, and as visiting professor in Lund and Rio de Janeiro. He received the 1997 Estonian National Science Award, Social Science category.

Among Professor Drechsler's areas of scholarly interest are the theory and history of Public Administration, Political Philosophy, the epistemology of Economics, the role of the State in economic growth, academic administration, and municipal autonomy.

His publications include Die selbstverwaltete Gemeinde (1999, ed.), Paradiama (Otto Kaiser 75), Trames (1999, ed.), On the Eminence of the Social Sciences at the University of Dorpat (1998, also in Estonian), Foundations of Public Administration (1997, ed., in Estonian; some translations forthcoming), Johann Ulrich v. Cramer's Opuscula (5 vols., 1996, ed.), Andrew D. White in Germany (1989), and theme issues of World Affairs on Estonia in Transition (1995) and Reforming Higher Education and Research in Eastern Germany (1992), as well as over 50 scholarly articles. He is on the editorial board, i.a., of the European Journal of Law and Economics, of Estonia's main social sciences and humanities journal Trames, of Kluwer's "The European Heritage in Economics and the Social Sciences" book series, and of NISPAcee's own Occasional Papers in Public Administration and Public Policy.
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