Conference venue: Hotel Reval Lietuva, Vilnius, Lithuania
Organized in cooperation with the Lithuanian Public Administration Training Association, Vilnius, Lithuania
The NISPAcee Conference provides a forum to encourage the exchange of information and developments in the theory and practice of public administration. The Conference addresses experts, scholars and practitioners who work in the field of public administration in Central and Eastern Europe (including all countries covered by the NISPAcee membership, the Russian Federation, Caucasus and Central Asia).
The Conference will be structured as follows:
• plenary session
• panel sessions and forums
• working sessions on the main Conference theme
• parallel meetings of the NISPAcee Working Groups...
Papers are invited on the main Conference theme or on the themes of the Working Groups.
Most of the NISPAcee working groups have now been running for several years in the form of projects. Several of the current working groups were established as a result of previous conferences and others were based on proposals put forward by NISPAcee members or partners. Members of the working groups usually meet during the NISPAcee conference in order to present and discuss their research findings and identify themes for further research. These meetings are also open to other conference participants. In many cases, the working groups aim to publish their papers in individual publication form.
The WG Programme Coordinators
are generally responsible for the research agenda and the quality of project outcomes. They select their group members based on their applications; coordinate the content of papers prepared by the group members and chair the meetings of the group.
NISPAcee Project Manager
a member of the NISPAcee staff, is identified for a working group and is responsible for the administration of a working group project and organizational issues.