European Association for Public Administration Accreditation

IV. Working Group on Democratic Governance of Multiethnic Communities

Petra Kovacs, LGI/OSI, Hungary
        E-mail: [email protected]
Jana Krimpe, Tallinn University of Educational Sciences, Estonia
        E-mail: [email protected]

The coordinators of the WG invites contributions on its 2003 theme: "Enhancing the capacity of local governments to provide equitable access to minorities".

The Working Group (WG) on Governing Multiethnic Communities had its third gathering at the 10th Annual Meeting of the NISPAcee. This year, working sessions of the WG have been devoted to an in-depth analysis of new models and methods of public service delivery from the point of view of ethnic diversity. The aim of the WG is to assess and analyze public policies that determine the access of minorities to public services.

The WG decided to continue its operations at the next NISPAcee conference. Researchers will contribute to the conference with the topic: "Enhancing the capacity of local governments to provide equitable access to minorities". This topic will be based on research results of the working group to date. During the next twelve months members of the research team will continue their field research to identify key factors of successful practice in providing equitable access to public services for minorities. By identifying these key factors, the working group will contribute to promote policies of equal opportunities and non-discrimination at the sub-national levels of government. This issue has become a key priority for all governments in Central and Eastern Europe in the process of European Integration.

Call for Papers
Officials as well as citizens are often frustrated in their attempts to get a clear picture on the performance of government's achievement in promoting inclusive policies responsive to the needs of ethnically diverse communities. Success stories or bad examples become reported by the media sometimes. However, comprehensive information and analysis is rarely available on the issue equity in public service delivery.

We are calling for policy studies to provide suggestions by which local governments and their agencies or institutions might regularly assess their performance or demonstrate progress. Interested individuals are invited to join the Working Group's research team and to submit papers analyzing key factors of successful practices in providing equitable access to public services for minorities.

The aim of our inquiry is threefold. First, to provide governments and public officials with suggestions on improving particular situations. Second, to accelerate new policy actions in areas of service provision to meet the need of minorities. Third, to enhance governments capacities to manage ethnic diversity.

A preference will be given to papers based on empirical research (case studies). Guidelines for writing papers are available in Working Groups section.

For further information, please contact the coordinators:
Petra Kovacs (LGI/OSI) at [email protected], Jana Krimpe (Tallin University) [email protected] or write to the email list of the working group [email protected]

The Working Group is supported by a grant from The Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary