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Rustem M.Ablyatifov, Kyiv, Ukraine
Paper:The System of National Self Government of the Crimean Tatars as Social and Political Phenomenon in Modern Ukraine
Electronic collection of the presented papers of the WG at the NISPAcee Conference 2006, Lubljana, Slovenia
NISPAcee Proceedings from the NISPAcee Conference 2005, Moscow, Russia
Paper: Gypsy women in public life
Michael Brintnall, American Political Science Association,USA
Paper:Preparing the public service for working in multiethnic democracies:A survey of schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe
NISPAcee Proceedings from the NISPAcee Conference 2004, Vilnius, Lithuania
Eva Haviarova, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Ekaterina Marinova, CARE Bulgaria Foundation, Sofia, Bulgaria
Paper: From social assistance to social employment: New trends in the application of the Bulgarian Social Assistance Act for low income families and social assistance users from Roma origin
Victoria Antonova, Volga-region Academy for Civil Service, Saratov, Russian Federation
Paper: Multiculturalism in the Regional Civil Service in Russia (the case of Saratov region)
Petra Kovacs, Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary
Paper: Monitoring the impact of the Anti-Discrimination Training Program in Hungary
Rustem Ablyatifov,Crimean Tatar Legislative Representation in the Contect of 2002 Ukrainian Elections,
Petra Kovacs, Report of the Working Group on Democratic Governance of Multiethnic Communities – Delivering Public Services in Multiethnic Communities
Petra Kovacs, Who Benefits? Ethnic Bias and the Public Policy Process in Central and Eastern Europe
Tomás Sirovátka, Social Inclusion of Romanies: The Potential of the Romany Population and Options for Public Policy in the Czech
Julia Szalai,Struggles for Recognition on the Battlefield of Social Services: The Conflicting Interests of Gender and Ethnicity in Contemporary Hungary
Paul Downes, The Estonian and Latvian Integration programmes: A Recipe for Significant Early School Dropping-out amongst their Russian-Speaking Minorities
Petra Kovacs and Jana Krimpe, Report of WG on Democratic Governance of Multiethnic Communities
Teodora Noncheva, Studying the Access of Minorities to Public Services: Examples of Recent Empirical Surveys in Bulgaria
Alice Ondruchova, A Project for Improving Inter-ethnic Relations in Pardubice, Czech Republic
Jana Krimpe, New Challenges: Politics of Minority Integration in Estonia
The outcome of the phase 2001-2002 is the electronic collection of the selected papers.
13 papers in zip file (0,5MB)