European Association for Public Administration Accreditation

NISPAcee Anthem
The NISPAcee has created her own Anthem at the NISPAcee Annual Conference in 1998, in Prague, Czech Republic.
The melody of the Anthem is on the Slovakian folk song Tancuj Tancuj vykrúcaj. 
The First collective performance was in Švejk´s pub U Kalicha, in Prague. 
The text of the Anthem:
1. Public Administration, - nistration
    generates big frustration, frustration.
    Can´t resist the temptation, temptation,
    run the assotiation, - tiation.
    Eastern Europe, Central Europe,
    civil service paradise, paradise.
2. NISPAcee, NISPAcee
    open eyes for sightseeing, sightseeing.
    makes you crazy researching, researching,
    nothing left for good teaching, good teaching.
    Eastern Europe, Central Europe,
    civil service paradise, paradise.