B. Working Session
Learning from Transition & Challenges of the Future
Mrs Ingrid Shikova, Center for European Studies, Bulgaria
Mr. Jerzy Regulski, Foundation in Support of Local Democracy, Poland


1. Policy Option Traps in the Post-Soviet Governments - Mr. FULLER Donald
2. The Political System and the Civil Service in Transition Period in the Republic of  Armenia - Mr. TUMANIAN David

3. Contracting as a Mechanism of Achieving Better Performance of PA - Mrs. KANDEVA- SPIRIDONOVA

4. Decentralization and Good Governance: Ten years of Hungarian Experience - Mr. NYIRI  Zsolt

5. Some Problems in Training and Forming Civil Servants in the Republic of Kazakhstan – Mrs. JARKESHEVA Zulfy

6. Developing Public Administration Capacity in Latvia: Successes and Failures - Mrs. GOLDMANE Ginta, Ms. MORE Katri

7. The Limints of Managerial and Ethical Reforms in Kyrgyz PA - Mr. BARTKOWSKI Maciej

8. Political Economy of Public Higher Education Policy Reform: The Case of Russia - Mr. MATVEEV Alexei

9. Transition in PA: Slovenian Experience - Mr. BREZOVSEK Marian

10. The Successes and Failures of Educational Administration - Mrs. KOLISNICHENKO Natalya
11. The Comparative Analysis of Institutional Structure of a Local Government - Mrs. LYPSKA Olga
12. The Evolution of  PA Education in Ukraine: From Elite to Decentralised Programs - Mr. PALINCHAK Mykola, Mr. DURNING Dan (USA)
13. Participatory Study of the Human Resource of the Board of Kiev City Administration - Mr. SALAMATOV Volodymyr
14. Ways to Improve Management over Innovation Activity in Ukraine - Mr. YAKOVLEV Anatoly

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