30th NISPAcee Annual Conference
"Crises, Vulnerability and Resilience in Public Administration"
June 2-4, 2022
Bucharest, Romania
Summary Report
Recent developments associated to the coronavirus crisis have brought to the fore with stringency the twin problem of vulnerability and resilience of public administration and governance systems. The NISPAcee 2022 conference, took place in the aftermath of the global coronavirus crisis and cognizant of the shocks received by all -local, regional, national and international- public administration and governance systems, will aim to contribute to the response to these challenges.
In addition to the standard objectives of furthering the consolidation, growth and impact of our field in the region, the conference was aiming to respond to the manifest need to develop better conceptual foundations for thinking about the relationship between efficiency, vulnerability and resilience in public administration and for developing in practice, at the applied level, new public policy and institutional solutions able to deal with the problems of governance vulnerabilities and its resilience.
The conference took place in Bucharest, a lively and dynamic city, reflecting a cultural tradition shaped at the interface between East and West, with multiple museums, theaters and cultural exchange venues and hosting a large number of cultural events and opportunities.
Thank you for joining us!
The conference was opened by an Opening Ceremony organized on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary NISPAcee Annual Conference. Several distinguished speakers presented their welcome and openning speeches on this occasion:
Calin Hintea, NISPAcee President, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Marian Preda, Rector, University of Bucharest, Romania
Razvan Papuc, Dean, Faculty of Business and Public Administration, University of Bucharest, Romania
Romanian PA representatives:
Ligia Deca, Presidential Adviser in the Department of Education and Research, Romania
Sebastian-Ioan Burduja, Minister for Research, Innovation and Digitalization, Romania
Valentin-Sorin Costreie, State Advisor to the Prime Minister for Education and Research, Romania
Emil Boc, President of the Association of Romanian municipalities and Mayor of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Ciprian Ciucă, Mayor of District 6 of Bucharest City, Romania
NISPAcee partners:
Eymeri-Douzans Jean-Michel, President, EGPA (European Group for Public Administration), Belgium
Wolfgang Drechsler, Chair of EAPAA (European Association for Public Administration Accreditation), Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
Allan Rosenbaum, President, ASPA (American Society for Public Administration), United States of America
Alikhan Baimenov, Steering Committee Chairman, Astana Civil Service Hub (ACSH), Kazakhstan
Garegin Manukyan, Dept. of Economic & Social Affairs, Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government, United Nations, New York, United States of America
The Opening Ceremony was followed by Keynote presentations delivered online by:
Prof Geert Bouckaert, Professor of Public Management at KU Leuven, Belgium and Dr Gregor Virant, Head of the SIGMA Programme.
The next programme included presentations of more then 150 academic papers presented within
3 research panel sessions and meetings of 10 NISPAcee Working Groups. Additional conference activities included
NISPAcee Awards Ceremonies, NISPAcee Anniversary Panel, ReSPA panel, UNDESA - ACSH - NISPAcee capacity building workshop on "Innovations and e-government to build a resilient public administration" and the Closing Roundtable focused on the Future of Public Administration in the NISPAcee region.
Invitation to the 31st NISPAcee Annual Conference 2023 was presented at the end of the conference by: Dejan Miletic, Director, National Academy for Public Administration, Belgrade, Serbia, the local organizer of the conference.
Term:May 24-27, 2023 in Belgrade, Serbia
NISPAcee Business Meeting and elections of new members of the NISPAcee Steering Committee were held during the conference
on June 3, 2022. Three NISPAcee Steering Committee members finished their terms in the Steering Committee. Two of them 6 years term:
Polonca Kovac, University of Ljubljana and
Kulli Sarapuu, Tallinn University of Technology. One member finished after 3 years term:
Alexei Barabashev, HSE, Russian Federation. NISPAcee thanks to all of them for all their work and contributions to the organization development over the years of their term. Three new members of the NISPAcee were elected:
Maja Klun, Faculty of Public Administration, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia;
Anamarija Musa, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia;
Steven Nõmmik, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance at Tallinn University of Technology in Tallinn (TalTech), Estonia.
The 30th NISPAcee Annual Conference was attended by 222 participants in total (50 online) from more than 35 countries.
NISPAcee would like to thank the local organisers,
the Faculty of Public Administration and Business, University of Bucharest, mainly to
Razvan Papuc, the Dean and the Chair of the Local Organizing Committee as well as to Marian Preda, the Rector of the University, members of the Committee and the whole Romanian team for the excellent organisation of the conference, financial support and preparation of the social events, which created a special, friendly and pleasant atmosphere for conference participants. Especially memorable for all the participants was the
Anniversary Party organized in facilities of a spectacular
Bragadiru Palacehttps://www.palatulbragadir.
Simultaneously, NISPAcee would like to thank to members of the
International Program Committee,including the coordinators of all research working groups, chairs of sessions and panels for their contributions to the high scientific and academic value of the entire event.
NISPAcee Awards presented at the NISPAcee Annual Conference 2022
was presented by Calin Hintea, NISPAcee President and Gyorgy Hajnal, Chair of the Selection Committee to the winner: František Ochrana, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Topic of his presentation: Historical-evolutionary and retrograde approach to the study of public administration

was presentated by Veronica Junjan, the member of the Award Selection Committee to the winner:
Ionut Baciu, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Topic of his presentation: Between politics, policies and (case)law: the place of public procurement on the map of the EU’s internal market.
Polonca Kovac, Faculty of Administration, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia (absent at the conference)
Külli Sarapuu, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, School of Business and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia

was presented by members of the Award Selection Committee Juraj Nemec and Tiina Randma to
the winner:
Vincent Mabillard, for the paper:
Social media use in Central and Eastern European cities: Defining government-citizen relationships through phases
Authors: Raphaėl Zumofen, Vincent Mabillard, Martial Pasquier
Reports of the Main Conference activities