International Program Committee
Chairs of Main Conference Theme: From Policy Design to Policy Practice
Martin Potucek, Charles University, Czech Republic
E-mail: [email protected]
Martin Potůček, Professor at Charles
University in Prague, guarantor of Master and doctoral programs of Public and
Social Policy there.
His research focuses on processes of policy formation and implementation in the
Czech Republic, on the regulatory functions of the market, government, civic
sector and media, on the European context and global dimension of policy
making, and on the problems of Czech public administration, social policy, and
pension reforms.
He acted as an adviser to the Czech Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs
(1998–2006) and to Czech Prime Ministers (2002–2004, 2014 – 2017). In one
of his recent public engagements, he served as the Chairman of the Expert
Committee on Pension Reform to the Czech government (2013 – 2017). Several of
its reform proposals were recently accepted and embodied in laws.
President of the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in
Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee), Bratislava, Slovakia (2000-2002). Holder
of the Sri Chinmoy International Honour "Lifting Up the World with a
Oneness-Heart" (2003) and the NISPAcee Alena Brunovska Award (2004) for
teaching excellence in public administration.
Tiina Randma-Liiv, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
E-mail: [email protected]
Tiina Randma-Liiv is Professor of Public Policy at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, where she currently also acts as Vice Dean for Research of the Faculty of Business and Governance. She previously served as Professor of Public Management at the University of Tartu, and as Visiting Professor at the Catholic University of Leuven, the University of Gdansk, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, and Florida International University. She has been a member of the Steering Committees of the European Group of Public Administration (EGPA), and of the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee). Tiina is currently a member of the Advisory Board to the Estonian Minister of Public Administration. She is also a co-founder and a board member of the biggest Estonian think-tank – PRAXIS Centre for Policy Studies. Her research interests include the impact of fiscal crisis on public administration, public sector organization, transitional public administration, civil service reforms, policy transfer and small states.
Chairs of the General Session
Marius Profiroiu, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
E-mail: [email protected]
Professor Constantin Marius Profiroiu teaches public policy and good governance at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies where he is the Dean of College of Administration and Public Management. He is Fulbright Senior Alumnus 2010-2011 at Martin School of Public Policy and Administration, University of Kentucky. Since May 2014, he is the President of the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee). Also, he is member of European Statistical Governance Advisory Board (ESGAB) since 2015. He was Director-general of the European Integration Department in Romania from 2001 to 2002 and also held the post of State Secretary within the Ministry of Public Administration and Interior between 2002-2004. He was in charge of the coordination of the public administration reform and responsible with the Phare program in the field of civil service reform and decentralization process in Romania. Marius Profiroiu is author of numerous publications in the field of civil service, decentralisation, governance, strategic management.
Eka Akobia, Caucasus School of Governance, Caucasus University, Georgia
E-mail: [email protected]
Eka Akobia is Dean of the Caucasus
School of Governance and a Director of the Institute of Peace Studies (IPS) at
Caucasus University. She is also an Associate Professor at Tbilisi State
University (TSU). She teaches theories of international relations (MA and PHD),
international organizations, EU external relations and UN Peacekeeping
Operations courses. She has published a number of academic articles as well as
contributed to three edited volumes in the European Union series. She also
regularly contributes news analysis to such media platforms as and the
Eka Akobia obtained her PHD in International Relations from Tbilisi State
University. She acquired her MA degree in International Relations from Baylor
University, USA and her BA degree in Political Science from Hartwick College,
USA. She has participated in several senior level non-degree programmes, such
as the Qualitative Research Methods Course (ICQRM) from Syracuse University,
USA (2011); the Summer University on "Federalism, Constitutionalism and
Conflict Transformation in Multiethnic Societies” University of Fribourg,
Switzerland (2005) and the NATO Senior Executive Master Course, Bucharest,
Romania (2004).
Besides academia, Eka Akobia has extensive public service experience. She
worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia from 2005 until 2016 and
has a broad experience in Georgia’s foreign policy. She holds a diplomatic rank
of Counselor. Amongst other positions, she has worked as the Deputy Director of
the Department of the Americas (2009-2010), the Deputy Director of the
Political Department (2010-2012) and as the Director of the Asia, Africa, Australia
and the Pacific Department (2012-2016).
I. Working Group: Local Government
Ilona Pálné Kovács, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
E-mail: [email protected]
Professor Ilona Pálné Kovács is a lawyer, political scientist, elected as a corresponding member of Hungarian Academy of Science HAS in 2013. She is a full time research professor and the head of PhD programme in political science at the Department for Political Studies of University of Pécs. Her fields of interest are regional policy, regional governance and local governments, European multi-level governance, cohesion policy, Europeanisation. She conducted many domestic and international projects, participating in several FP, ESF, INTERREG, TEMPUS, ESPON, UNESCO, EC DG Regio programmes.
Michiel S. de Vries, Institute for Management Research, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands
E-mail: [email protected]
He holds the chair in Public Administration at the Radboud University of Nijmegen and is visiting professor at the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. He is president of IASIA, full member of the Group of Independent Experts on the European Charter of Local Self-Government of the Council of Europe and member of the editorial board of numerous journals on Public Administration. His research concentrates on local government, public sector reform, policy evaluation, policy change and comparative public administration.
Daniel Klimovský, Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, Department of Political Science
E-mail: [email protected]
His research and educational activities focus on public administration, as well as political issues linked to sub-national levels. He is the Regional Studies Association Ambassador for Slovakia and a member of both the Management Committee and the Steering Committee of the COST IS 1207: Local Public Sector Reforms in Europe led by Professor S. Kuhlmann and Professor Geert Bouckaert. He is the main coordinator of the POL-LOC initiative, which includes more than 20 universities from 15 European countries. Aside from his academic activities, he cooperated with the Social Watch (2008-2011) and was a member of the Steering Committee of the Open Society Foundation in Slovakia (2012-2014), as well as an independent/external expert of the Council of Europe. Furthermore he has cooperated with central government in Slovakia and with several local governments and their associations.
II. Working Group: E-government
Robert Krimmer, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
E-mail: [email protected]
Robert Krimmer is Full Professor of e-Governance within Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance at the School of Business and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. Robert’s research is focused on the transformation of the public sector, electronic participation and democracy, as well as e-voting, and all issues contributing to developing a digital society. Robert is Associate Editor of the international scientific journal Government Information Quarterly (GIQ), where he is in charge of participation issues. Further, Robert coordinates TOOP, the EU H2020 large-scale pilot on exploring and demonstrating the feasibility of the once-only principle involving 50+ partners from 21 countries inside and outside the European Union. He was member of the group of experts to the Council of Europe Ad-Hoc Committee on Electronic Voting (CAHVE) which had the task to update the CoE's recommendation on legal, technical and operational standards for Electronic Voting. Also, he was one of the lead experts for the Council of Europe Ad-Hoc Committee on Electronic Democracy and drafted Annex 1 of the CoE Recommendation (2009) on e-Democracy. Before returning to academia, Robert was OSCE/ODIHR's first senior adviser on new voting technologies. In the past he advised CoE, OSCE/ODIHR, UNDP, WHO, ITU, the European Commission and AWEB on various matters.
Nicolae Urs, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
E-mail: [email protected]
Nicolae Urs, a vice-dean of the college, is interested in everything related to technology. More specifically, he has been studying and researching the way in which public institutions employ new technologies, the changes that the new social networks brought about in communication, the opportunities provided by "big data" and the way in which visualising statistical data can help decelerate social trends. He has a PhD in online communication, to which he added an internship in the United States. He teaches courses related to e-Government, to the use of new technologies, and to online communication. He is actively involved in public institutions' digitization projects, both at the level of the city of Cluj-Napoca, as well as at a national level.
III. Working Group: Public Administration Reform in CEE and CA
Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Science, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. Her current research focuses on investigating decision-making processes and public performance management, particularly within the mechanisms and dynamics of public sector reform associated with EU multi-level governance. Since 2008 she has been involved as co-Chair in the coordination of the work of, first the Panel, then the Working Group on Public Administration Reform in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Lucie Sedmihradska is a Lecturer at the Department of Public Finance, University of Economics in Prague. Aside from teaching she has been involved in several local and international research projects focusing on public budgets, local government finance and inter-municipal cooperation. She has published approximately two dozen journal articles and book chapters. She has been involved in NISPAcee since 2000, and since 2007 has been one of the coordinators of the WG on Public Sector Finance and Accounting and the WG on Fiscal Policy. She has also edited (co-edited) three books on local government finance issues in transition countries which were the outcome of the activities of the WG on Public Sector Finance and Accounting.
E-mail:[email protected]
Aleksander Aristovnik is employed at the Faculty of Public Administration (University of Ljubljana) as an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics and Public Sector Management. In addition, he is an Associate Professor in the Department of International Economics at the Faculty of Economics (University of Ljubljana). He has actively participated in around sixty international conferences and has recently performed as the head or a member of a few international and domestic research projects financed by the Slovenian Research Agency (SRA). He has also published and reviewed many professional and scientific articles in domestic and international (ISI-cited) journals. He is a member of editorial board of numerous international journals (e.g. International journal of knowledge and learning, Journal of applied economic sciences, etc.) and various international associations/organisations (e.g. EEA, INFER, ATINER, etc.).
Associate Professor, Economic Policy Department at the National Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President of Ukraine. She worked as an adviser in policy analysis and financial policy for various technical assistance projects provided by USAID, CIDA, and UNDP and participated in training projects provided by Wales University, World Bank etc. in CEE and Balkan countries. She has wide experience in designing and delivering training courses for multi-ethnic groups. She has more than 100 publications which include monographs, articles, and research and policy papers.
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak is Head of the Department of Public Administration and Political Sciences and has longstanding research experience in public service delivery and performance evaluation of public organisations. He has also prepared and published scientific publications on these subjects. Jaroslav Dvorak is the coordinator of the two study programmes: Bachelor in Public Administration and Master in Regional Governance. Jaroslav Dvorak contributed to the preparation of the Inventory of the Public Administration profession for the Study Quality Assessment Centre in Lithuania. He was visiting researcher at Uppsala University (2017), Institute of Russian and Eurasian Studies, Sweden and visiting professor at Bialystok Technical University (2017), Poland. Jaroslav Dvorak is involved in the editorial board of international scientific journals. He has conducted research in Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Lithuania, Belarus, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Australia on different issues relating to evidence based policy. Currently he is working with different projects on e-participation in Baltic states.
Her professional development includes trainings followed at the Centre International de Formation Européenne from Nice, France (1998), Venice Commission – Council of Europe (2001 and 2007), the Romanian Institute of Diplomacy (2010) and Complutense University of Madrid (2013).
Carausan has published widely in the areas of administrative law, street-level bureaucracy, regulatory impact assessment, citizens’ participation and public integrity. Her recent research has focused on monitoring and evaluation of public procurement, and she authored more than 50 articles and books in the areas of interests. She collaborates with different journals as member of the scientific committees or as reviewer. Dr. Carausan received her PhD from the University of Craiova in European Union law and her Master’s from the University "NicolaeTitulescu”. She coordinated different Romanian and European research and educational projects, and she is a member of the American Society of Public Administration, American Evaluation Association and European Law Institute.
Calin Emilian Hintea is a Professor at Babes Bolyai University, Romania and Adjunct Professor at Michigan State University. He teaches Public Management and Strategy courses. Professor Hintea is the Dean of the College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences at BBU. He is also a former Secretary of State, Head of Strategy Unit, the Prime Minister's Office (2009-2011) as well as a former Chair of the Public Administration Department at BBU (2004-2012). He is the Senior Editor of the Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences (ISI Journal).
Roger Hamlin, Michigan State University and Babes-Bolyai University
Professor of Urban Planning directs several projects for the Institute for Public Policy and Social Research (IPPSR) at Michigan State U. (MSU) and is Associate Dean for International Programs at Babes-Bolyai U. He was previously Associate Director of IPPSR, Resident Fellow, and Director of International Programs and was Director of the Urban and Regional Planning Program at MSU for eleven years. He also administered the Community Planning Program at Columbus State University in Georgia.He currently directs projects that build governance capacities at the sub-national level in the US and abroad. Dr. Hamlin earned a bachelor's degree in economics from Hamilton College in New York and a Master's and Ph.D. from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University. He has worked for the Senate and the Office of Planning Services of New York and has lived and worked in South America, the Caribbean, Asia and Europe. He has authored several books on public-private partnerships. Professor Hamlin has earned the White House Achievement Award, The Nelson Jack Edwards Award and the Illinois Foundation Award. He has earned national awards from the American Planning Association and the American Institute of Certified Planners. He was a CIC Academic Leadership Fellow.
Michael Brintnall is formerly the Executive Director of the American Political Science Association and of the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration in Washington DC, and has held senior positions in academic administration and in the US federal government. He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration and currently serves on the Board of Trustees for Montgomery College, the Environmental Investigation Agency, and the American Society for Public Administration.
Iga Kender-Jeziorska is a PhD student in the Doctoral School of Political Science at Corvinus University of Budapest. Her main research areas include non-governmental organisations and their involvement in policy-making and public service delivery, especially in the area of drug policy. She has been actively involved in the third sector since 2011. She is a member of the Board of Advisors and a coordinator of the international network Youth Organisations for Drug Action. Since July 2018 she has been serving as a Chair of the Working Group on EU Drug Strategy and Action Plan in the Civil Society Forum on Drugs - an advisory body to the European Commission.