NISPAcee Manuscript Guidelines
This is a Guideline how to write a great and high quality paper for the NISPAcee Conferences and publications.
1. Structure of the Paper
All papers for the NISPAcee Conference must contain following parts:
Points for Practitioners
1.1 Title
The title should be a brief phrase adequately describing the content of the paper
1.2 Author(s)
Please add the name, institution, country of the author(s) of the paper. Names of authors should follow below the title in italics with a footnote indicating the author(s)’ position, institution, city and country.
1.3 Abstract
An abstract is required for all presenting papers of NISPAcee Conference and it is a part of the conference contribution; it is required for all submitted papers for the NISPAcee Journal; it gives a summary of the information on the paper. It should not exceed 3 600characters (including spaces) and should be designed to clearly define the content of the paper.
The abstract should:
- State the principal objectives and scope of the research
- Describe the methodology employed
- Summarize results and findings
- State the principal conclusions
- References to literature, bibliographic information, figures or tables should NOT be included in the abstract.
1.4 Points for Practitioners
This part of the paper is to inform about the valuable and potential usability of the aspects and results of the paper for practitioners in public administration and public policy in case it is relevant. It should not exceed 1800characters(including spaces).
1.5 Key words
Please include the Key wordsbellow the Points for Practitioners. Key words should generally be nouns instead of adjectives or adverbs and in alphabetical order, separated by commas. Do not use abbreviations. Put maximum of 5 Keywords.
1.6 Introduction
NISPAcee recommends including the introduction part of the paper, because it:
- inform the reader about the rationale behind the work
- justifying why your work is an essential component of research in the field.The introduction starts with a broad basis and then narrows it down to your particular field of study
- explaining the rationale behind each step
The introduction is different from the abstract- as an overall review of the paper address a few slightly different issues.
2. Style
NISPAcee requires the following stylistic points to be followed for all manuscripts.
2.1 Paper Format and Language
Papers should be submitted in PDF, RTF or DOC format and written in English. Please check if your paper is not in DOCX formate! If it is necessary, the tables, graphs or other graphics can be submitted separately in other formats – XLS, PDF, EPS, TIF, JPG.
2.2 Font Format and Size
NISPAcee prefer for the Conference papers Time News Roman font and the size 10-pt (except titles). Text should be justified.
2.3 Paper Length
The final version of the completed paper should not exceed 15 pages in length.
3. MainBody of Paper
The body of the paper presents your research and analysis. It must contain:
3.1 Methodology
Please specify methodology of the research as a separate part of the paper. The methodology lies at the core of the paper, because needs to be verifiable by other researchers, so that they can review the results by guaranteeing the validity. You need to give a completely accurate description of the equipment and the techniques used for gathering the data.
3.2 Titles and Subtitles
Please split the paper into the titles and subtitles. Be aware that such a text dividing shows not only the line of thought of the text and author(s), but also helps the reader to more easily navigate in the text.
3.2.1 Titles should by typed in capital letters in Times New Roman size 12 and bolded.Skip one space, then start the text .
3.2.2 Subtitles should appear in bold with only the first letters capitalised. Subtitles and the main body of the text of the paper should be in Times New Roman, size 10. Start the text on the next line.New paragraphs should not be indented.
1. Public Administration Education in Romania
Public administration-related programmes in Romania are generally
housed within faculties of…
1.1 Professors of Public Administration
The academic staff teaching public administration in Romania has
extensive international experience…
1.2 Academic Texts Utilised in Delivering Public Administration
Although Romania has been isolated from the international community
for most of the last decade, a wide variety of international public
administration textbooks are…
3.3 Numbering Sections
For purposes of clarity, sections and sub-sections of the text should utilise the scientific numbering system. Please note that no more than two levels of sub-sections should be used whenever possible. Main section titles should appear in bold, and sub-section headings should be both bolded and italicised.
3.4 Bullets and Numbering
<Tab> should be used after each bullet or number prior to beginning the text, and
<enter> after each bulleted or numbered sentence. Each bulleted or numbered
sentence/phrase should be followed by ";” with the exception of the final point, which
should end with a period (".”).
•<Tab> Deciding about the organisation of the process and about the
feedback to politicians; <Enter>
•<Tab> Recruitment and selection of the ‘policy-making team’; <Enter>
•<Tab> Monitoring the progress, deciding about pace and deadlines; <Enter>
•<Tab> Judging the interim drafts and products. <Enter>
3.5 Notes
Note numbers should be placed within the main body of the text in superscript. Notes
should be numbered consecutively from "1” and collected at the end of the page.
3.6 Tables, Illustrations (Graphs, Figures)
The tables, graphs or other graphics should be written in English and can be submitted
in the text or separately in RTF, DOC format or in other formats - XLS, PDF, EPS, TIF, JPG.
3.7 Conclusion
Please remember that the paper has to contain the conclusion. Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word on the subject. The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your paper, to summarize your thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject. It is also your opportunity to make a good final impression and to end on a positive note.
3.8 Quotation Style
It is up to the author what kind of quotation style (APA, Harward, etc.) he will choose. It has to be consistent throughout the text of the paper.
3.9 References
3.9.1 Book with one author
Doniger, Wendy. 1999. Splitting the Difference. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
3.9.2 Book with two authors
Cowlishaw, Guy, and Robin Dunbar. 2000. Primate Conservation Biology.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
3.9.3 Book with more than three authors
Laumann, Edward O., John H. Gagnon, Robert T. Michael, and Stuart
Michaels. 1994. The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in
the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
3.9.4 Editor, translator, or compiler
Lattimore, Richmond, trans. 1951. The Iliad of Homer. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
3.9.5 Chapter or other part of a book
Twaddell, W. Freeman. 1957. A note on Old High German umlaut. In
Readings in Linguistics I: The Development of Descriptive Linguistics in
America, 1925–1956. 4th ed. Edited by Martin Joos. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press.
3.9.6 Chapter of an edited volume originally published elsewhere (common for
primary sources)
Cicero, Quintus Tullius. 1986. Handbook on Canvassing for the
Consulship. In Rome: Late Republic and Principate, edited by Walter
Emil Kaegi Jr. and Peter White. Vol. 2 of University of Chicago Readings
in Western Civilization, edited by John Boyer and Julius Kirshner.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Originally published in Evelyn S.
Shuckburgh, trans., The Letters of Cicero, vol. 1 (London: George Bell &
Sons, 1908).
3.9.7 Preface, foreword, introduction, and similar parts of a book
Rieger, James. 1974. Introduction to Frankenstein, or The Modern
Prometheus, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
3.9.8 Book published in both printed and electronic forms (N.B.: be sure that it
is clear which form was consulted; however, there is no need to indicate
"paper” in a citation to a traditional bound book)
Kurland, Philip B., and Ralph Lerner, eds. 1987. The Founders’
Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Also available online
at and as a CD-ROM.
3.9.9 Journal article
Smith, John Maynard. 1998. The Origin of Altruism. Nature 393: 639–40.
3.9.10 Article in an electronic journal (N.B.: an access date, not generally
required by Chicago, may be required by your publisher or discipline; if so,
include it parenthetically at the end of the citation, as in the fourth
example below)
Hlatky, Mark A., Derek Boothroyd, Eric Vittinghoff, Penny Sharp, and
Mary A. Whooley. 2002. Quality-of-Life and Depressive Symptoms in
Postmenopausal Women after Receiving Hormone Therapy: Results from
the Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study (HERS) trial.
Journal of the American Medical Association 287, no. 5 (February 6),
(accessed January 7, 2002).
3.9.11 Popular magazine article
Martin, Steve. 2002. Sports-Interview Shocker. New Yorker, May 6, 84.
3.9.12 Newspaper article
William S. Niederkorn, "A Scholar Recants on His ‘Shakespeare’
Discovery,” New York Times, June 20, 2002, Arts section, Midwest edition.
Chicago style is for newspaper citations to be made in running text, not in
parenthetical notes:
As William Niederkorn noted in a New York Times article on June 20,
2002, . . .
If the article is cited in the reference list, it would look like this:
Niederkorn, William S. 2002. A scholar recants on his "Shakespeare”
discovery. New York Times, June 20, Midwest edition.
3.9.13 Book review
Gorman, James. 2002. Endangered species. Review of The Last American
Man, by Elizabeth Gilbert. New York Times Book Review, June 2, 16.
3.9.14 Theses and dissertations
Amundin, M. 1991. Click Repetition Rate Patterns in Communicative
Sounds from the Harbour Porpoise, Phocoena phocoena. Ph.D. diss.,
Stockholm University.
3.9.15 Paper presented at a meeting or conference
Doyle, Brian. 2002. Howling Like Dogs: Metaphorical Language in Psalm
59. Paper presented at the annual international meeting for the Society of
Biblical Literature, June 19–22, in Berlin, Germany.